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Tutorials and Icon help

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Okay people, I'm on tutorial mood again. So now I'm gonna post a lot haha.

Program: Photoshop CS3 but will work with older versions.

We are now going to do this icon:


1. Open your pic and then crop it. I took a picture of Brady and Chloe from Days of our lives. I didn't quite like how the picture looked so first I made the skin softer by using the blur tool in the toolbox. HAVE A LOOK

To make the picture even more nicer I sharpened it once (this depends on the quality of the picture). Go to filter>sharpen>sharpen.

2. Create a new layer and fill it with the color #071b73 put this layer on "Exclusion" with an opacity of 43%. HAVE A LOOK

3. Duplicate the base (ctrl + J) and move the duplicated layer above all your other layers. Put this layer on "Softlight" with an opacity of 100% and make this layer b/w (ctrl + shift + U).

4. Create a new layer and fill it with #efcd7b. Put this layer on "Multiply" and an opacity of 29%.

5. Create a new layer and fill it with the same color (#efcd7b). Put this layer on "Softlight" with an opacity of 100%.

6. Create a new layer and fill it with the color #031f44. Put this layer on "Exclusion" with an opacity of 100%.

7. Create a new layer and fill it with the color #99c5ff. Put this layer on "Softlight" with an opacity of 100%.

8. Now go all the way down to your base and duplicate it (ctrl + J). Move the duplicated layer to the top above all the other layers. Make this layer b/w (ctrl + shift + U) and put it on "Softlight" with an opacity of 100%.

9. Do number 8 one more time.

10. Create a new layer and fill it with the color #916075. Put this layer on "Lighten" with an opacity of 80%.

11. Now you just have to add the finishing touches and you are done.

I hope you understand my crazy explanation, but if you don't please ask.


Program: Photoshop CS3 but will work with older. I think you also can use this tutorial in PSP. It should be easy translatable.

This is what we are going to do:


I will also write how to add a pink color in the end of the tutorial.

1. Prepare your base.

2. To make the picture look more soft, blur the skin with the blur tool. Remember to not blur anything more than the skin!

If you think your picture is a bit dark, duplicate your base (ctrl + J) and put it on Screen and then change the opacity until it looks good.

3. Create a new layer, fill it with the color #a0d4df and put this layer on Hard Light with an opacity of 100%.

4. Create a new layer and fill it with th same color (#a0d4df). Put this layer on Color Burn with an opacity of 100%.

5. Now you are going to duplicate your base (ctrl + J) and then move the duplicated layer above all the other layers. Put this layer on Soft Light with an opacity of 100%.

6. Duplicate your base once again and move it to the top, above all the other layers.. This time are we going to desaturate the layer for a better look (ctrl + shift + U). Put this layer on Soft Light with an opacity of 100%. Sharpen this layer twice (filter>sharpen>sharpen). this depends on the quality of your pic.

7. Now you are going to duplicate your base once again. Move it to the top, above all the other layers. Put this layer on Soft Light with an opacity of 100%.

8. Now we are going to add a gradient to make it look better. We are going to use this one:


Put this layer on Lighten with an opacity of 50%.

9. Create a new layer, fill it with the color #04265d and put this layer on Exclusion with an opacity of 20%.

10. Now it's time for the finishing touches. Then you are done!


1.If you want your icon to be more pink, add this gradient:


put this layer on Lighten with an opacity of 100%.

2. Duplicate your base and move it to the top, above the other layers. Put the duplicated layer on Soft light with an opacity of 100%.

3. Duplicate your base once again and move it to the top above all the other layers. Put this layer on Soft Light with an opacity of 100%.

4. Now sharpen your duplicated layer two or three times (filter>sharpen>sharpen). This depends of the quality of your picture.

This is my result.




Program: Photoshop CS3 but will work with older and PSP.

From before.jpg To after.jpg

1. Prepare your base.

2. Duplicate your base (ctrl + J) and put the duplicated layer on Softlight with an opacity of 100%. CLICK

3 Create a new layer, fill it with the color #031a4c and put this layer on Exclusion with an opacity of 100%.

4. Create a new layer, fill it with the color #dfc8a0 and put this layer on Softlight with an opacity of 100%.

5. Create a new layer, fill it with the color #a0d4df and put this layer on Softlight with an opacity of 100%.

6. Duplicate your base (ctrl + J) and move it to the top, above all the other layers. Put this layer on Softlight with an opacity of 100%.

7. Desaturate your duplicated layer, to get a nicer effect (ctrl + shift + U).

8. Sharpen your duplicated layer till it looks nice (Filter > Sharpen > Sharpen).



Program: Photoshop CS3 but will work with older and probably PSP.

This time we are going to do an art that looks like this. It's not that hard, I promise.


1. I started to look for the picture I wanted to use. You can do like you want, you can take a couple, you can take just one person or blend two or more persons. Duplicate the picture and put it on the blending mode Soft Light. Sharpen the duplicated layer Filter>Sharpen>Sharpen and add a smart blur Filter>Blur>Smart Blur. Marge everything ctrl + e.

2. Paste your picture on a new canvas with the size 700x500 px. To get a better effect, I desaturated the picture ctrl + shift + u.

3.Now you are going to erase the people, so it's only them left. Erase exact, it will be a lot nicer in the end. Like this

4. No you are going to be creative. Find some good brushes on for example Annika von Holdt. Create a layer and put a brush on it. The brushes are going to be black and remember to create a new layer for each brush!! Do as much as you want until you are happy with the result. Like this.

5. Create a new layer over the layer with the picture with the people on. Put brushes on new layers all the time and this time you are going to change the color on the brush to white. Just like you did in the last step. Like this.

6. Now we are going to put on some colors. We are going to do that with gradients that you can find HERE.

Use every gradient you want, I used these.


7. What you are going to do is, creating a new layer and then put on the gradient. Remember, one new layer per gradient!!

Gradient number 1: Put it on the blending mode Overlay. Pic

Gradient number 2: Put is on the blending mode Overlay with an opacity of 35%. Pic

Gradient number 3: Put it on the blending mode Colour Burn with an opacity of 80%. Pic

8. Just the finished touches left. I added some text and a stroke.


Program: Photoshop CS3 but will work with earlier versions and probably PSP too.

I just looked through my old graphics and I found one that I like very much. I decided to share the technique to do something like this:


1. Create a new canvas with the size 800x600 and fill it with the color #c6c5c5.

2. Open your picture that you want to use and then paste it into the new image. Crop it until you like what you see. Desaturate it (ctrl+shift+u). This is how mine looks like right now CLICK.

3. Duplicate the layer with the picture and put it on the blending mode Soft light. I have also added a smart blur and sharpened it a bit.

4. Mark your image and then make a new layer. To do that the easiest way. Select the marquee tool and then hold down ctrl while you click on one of the pictures layers. Now the picture should be selected.

Do a stroke with the size 10px, the color white and make sure the location is set on inside.

5. Now keep the selection and add one more stroke. This time with the size 1px and the color to #8c8b8a.

This is how mine looks like so far CLICK.

6. Take this texture CLICK and paste it over all the layers. Put it on the blending mode Screen with and opacity of 50%. Erase everything that's outside the frame.

Now mine looks like this CLICK.

7. Now you are going to add all those brushes in the background under the picture. I have made one new layer per brush and I have used different colors on most of them. It's just shades of gray and white though.

This is how mine looks like now CLICK.

8. Now for the needle. Look through http://www.sxc.hu/ and find your stock of a needle. Clip it out and desaturated it. Then I duplicated the needle and then I changed that duplicated needle to the blending mode Soft light. I sharpened it once or twice.

9. Add some more brushes with the same color as the "blood" from the needle. I used brushes of blood that I had in my collection. I don't know where I found them though. Then I added a brush with a cross in the same color.

This is how mine looks like now CLICK

10. Now you just have to add some text and a border and you are done. Pretty easy huh?!


Program: Photoshop CS3 but will work with older versions.

This is a walkthrough how I did this graphic.


1. Make a new image in the size 700x500.

2. Take your pictures and desaturate them all (ctrl+shift+u). Blend them together until you like it. This is what I have got now CLICK. Marge everything together.

3. Take THIS texture and put it on the layer mode darken.

4. Take THIS texture and put it on the layer mode Lighter color.

5. Take THIS texture and put it on the layer mode Lighten.

6. Take THIS texture and put it on the layer mode Lighten.

7. Duplicate the base (with your blend) and move it to the top. Make a smart blur on it (filter>blur>smart blur). Set the radius to 3,0 and the Threshold 25,0. Click ok. Then sharpen it once or twice (filter>sharpen>sharpen). Set this layer on the layer mode Soft light. This is how mine looks like now CLICK.

8. Take THIS texture and put it on Lighten. Erase on places where it doesn't look good. Like when it's over the faces.

9. Take THIS texture. Add a layer mask and then start to brush to make the blend visible. This is where you have to use your creativity. Now mine looks like this CLICK.

10. Take THIS texture and put it on the layer mode Lighten.

11. Take THIS texture and move it so the green part is over your graphic. Put it on the layer mode Lighten.

12. Now you just have to add some text and you are done.


Program: Photoshop CS3 but will work with older versions.

Now we are going to create this one:


I'm going to give you a description the way I did it. Of course you change it how you want. Remember that this is only a walktrough. Nothing to rip. Just do it your own way.

1. Create a new image in the size 800x600 px (file>new). Of course you can make this any size you want. Doesn't matter, this is not the final size.

2. Take some pictures and desaturate them all (ctrl+shift+u). The graphic will look so much better with black and white pictures than colored. Blend them all together on the background. Be a little bit crazy and creative. Take a look at mine so far CLICK.

3. Marge everything together and then duplicate the layer with the blend on. Put it on the layer mode Soft light and sharpen it until it looks good (filter>sharpen>sharpen). I over sharped mine a bit because I thought it looked more intense, CLICK.

4. Add THIS texture and put it on the layer mode Lighter color. If you haven't got that mode on your Photoshop, you can chose Lighten. It basically gives you the same effect. Erase the texture a little on those placed that it's to much over the faces. Erase till it looks good. Take a look at mine CLICK.

5. Time for another texture. Take THIS texture and put it on the layer mode Lighten. You image should look something like this now, CLICK.

6. Now it's time to create a new image again (file>new) with the size 800x600 px. You will soon notice that I created a too large new image but we will fix that later.

Fill the new image with the color #616b6b. Take your blend and resize it (image>image size). You can resize it to any size you want, I actually don't know what size I took. Paste the resized blend on your new image twice! then move them to a nice position.

7. Now I took THIS stock and blended it in the blend. I put the layer mode of it to lighten.

8. Marge stock with the rest of the blend.

Now create a new layer and fill it with the same color as the background (#616b6b). Create a mask layer and then start to be creative. Paint so you have a nice look of your blend. After I thought it looked good enough I marged everything and then sharpened it even more. Just to make it intense. This is how mine ended up, CLICK.

9. Texture time! Take THIS texture and put it on the layer mode Overlay.

10. More textures are on the way. Take THIS texture and put it on the layer mode Lighten. Erase those parts who look weird.

11. Two more textures to go. Take THIS texture and put it on the layer mode Hard light with an opacity of 54%.

12. Last but not least. Take THIS texture and put it on the layer mode Overlay. As you may see now it's not as big as the image we've got. Place it over the pictures and then marquee the "textured area". Press ctrl+shift+e and then make a new image. Just click okay, the size should be as big as your selection. Paste it on the new image.

13. Now you just have to add some text and brushes and it's done.


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