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Jonah vs Robbie

Guest Bay_Mad

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i think what you said is very interesting and I agree- Jonah has no idea on right on wrong. If you were drilled into thinking like that and believing all the stuff about the chosen one since you were born, how would you know what to think? I think we should be praising Jonah for breaking free and realising what is right. Go Jonah!! I only hope he doesnt get put in jail for ages now hes finally free!

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It's going to be very interesting hope we get to see how this turns out. Cults are a very complex thing, and very difficult for one who isn't *brainwashed* to understand.

I liked his character as Jonah the cult person but think Jonah the Summer Bay person would be boring. Robbie is boring enough for me.

I have enjoyed the story line but think the script writters could have maybe brought out a better awareness of *cult life*.

Was Jonah Muma Rose's son or was he just her cult son? I could never work that out

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When Mumma Rose was pushing Jonah to move things on with Tasha, he said he needed more time, he didn't want to rape her, he wanted to wait until she was ready and willing of her own accord. However, he DID rape her, he didn't want to do it because he knew it was wrong, but he still did it. Did Mumma Rose watch whilst he did it? Couldn't he have lied and just told Mumma Rose he'd done it? At least that would have allowed him a little bit of time to allow his relationship with Tasha to progress naturally without having to resort to raping her!

Whilst he might have been confused and brought up by a deranged, evil witch, he still knew deep down that drugging and raping Tasha was wrong. Yet he still did it. Had he genuinely thought that it really was for her own good and that it was the right thing to do, then maybe I could forgive him, but he knew it was wrong and he still betrayed her and violated her when she had put so much trust in him and given up her old life to be with him.

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I agree. I find it strange that people are quite quick to forget that he raped her because he's shown remorse. This reminds me of Kane all over again; I can just see Martha and Jonah becoming an item and Tasha being made into a hate figure because she has a slight problem with it.

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I keep wondering who Jonah's father is. He's been brought up by Mamma Rose in the cult his whole life, so at some point surely there was a man around the cult for Rose to get pregnant. I wonder what happened to him..?

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