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Most Popular Character 2006 Results Discussion

Guest Ryan

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Hate to say it, but the only interesting thing Flynn ever did was die. His exit storyline was absolutely brilliant, but apart from that he was very bland (that's Joel's Flynn by the way, not Matin's, who was a completely different kettle of fish).

As for the Holdens, it's true they were brought in as convenient partners for the ladies, but there's something about them that works IMO. From the first time they appeared on screen they seemed to gel really well as a family. All three are interesting characters in their own right, but unfortunately they don't get used as individuals nearly enough. The fact that all their storylines revolve around their other halves makes the relationships seem dull.

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A word about the Hunters -

I was just reading through the bit about the Hunters on the BTTB site - thanks for doing the feature by the way - and although i agree with everything said, i'm really sorry i didn't vote for Robbie this year.

He has been fantastic IMO in the last few UK months, especially with the Tasha/Graham stuff. I am really beginning to like his character again now he has lowered his voice a bit. Kit and Matilda are very strong characters and the change in Matilda since Henry has left has been brilliant.

You'd think Beth would mention Henry a bit more though, occasionally drop in: "yeah i just talked to Henry on the phone, told him your grandfather's dead, your much older brother's left, i've moved in with a man whose the spitting image of a doormat, your other brother's girlfriend ran off with a crazy cult and now she's pregnant". Something along those lines.

ETA: Eurgh. Jack did well didn't he. Eurgh.


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ETA: Eurgh. Jack did well didn't he. Eurgh.


I know. Only because he's in the thick of the drama at the moment (in Aus). You'd be amazed how that can affect votes. A character could have the best storyline ever in the history of TV yet if it happened over 6 months ago they won't get into the top 10 :P Meanwhile (while I'm sure there are some genuine Jack fans too - and fair do's to them), there are a heap load of people who will just watch an episode of H&A then come online and vote for whoever they liked in that episode they just happened to watch.

I think this is the reason the name of the poll was changed from "Best" to "Most Popular" Characters.

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ETA: Eurgh. Jack did well didn't he. Eurgh.


I know. Only because he's in the thick of the drama at the moment (in Aus). You'd be amazed how that can affect votes. A character could have the best storyline ever in the history of TV yet if it happened over 6 months ago they won't get into the top 10 :P Meanwhile (while I'm sure there are some genuine Jack fans too - and fair do's to them), there are a heap load of people who will just watch an episode of H&A then come online and vote for whoever they liked in that episode they just happened to watch.

Which is why I can't take this popularity contest all that seriously.

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The reason I changed it is because most of individually choose the person we feel is BEST, but in adding we don't find out who is best, we find out who is most POPULAR.

However as tomorrow's (?) update will show the results could carry some substance once we take into account time absent from the show.

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Very good bio written about Morag. I agreed with all of it, though it would have been nice to see a little inclusion, even just a passing reference, to the fact she used to be much nastier.

Cornelia is indeed a credit to the show. I was very disapointed that she didn't get up on stage with the rest of the cast at the Logies (though maybe she was too drunk :P )

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