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Is Robbie out of his mind??

Guest emzyflower

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It is blatantly obvious that Robbie is going to get back with Tasha but I cant understand why. She has been a complete and utter b***h to him and yet he still wants her. She shunned him out and then when she realised what a fool she was she wanted him back and to rescue her (the episode where Robbie came to see her when he met Kits mate but she was locked in the shed).

She has been fooled by Jonas "good person" attributes, but so is Robbie?!! Here is a girl that got "married" to Robbie and when she was rescued and in hospital all she wanted to do was see Jona. Ok so they may have been through a lot together in the past few weeks but Robbie and Tash have been through so much more.

It always seems to be Robbie that is making the relationship work between the two of them, its time he woke up and smelt the coffee that Tash is walking all over him in her continual state of brainwashed moronic niavity (sp?) If i had my way Robbie should hook up with Kits mate or find a new girl asap!!!

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I agree with everything you said. I mean Jonah has raped Tasha and although she may not know yet, the fact is she does know he has kidnapped and tortured other people such as Rebecca. I also have my suspicions that this isn't the end of the storyline with Mamma Rose having escaped and no doubt Tasha will expect Robbie to be there for her again when she comes back. Some people never learn, Robbie's better off out!

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I agree, and I hate how Tasha treated all her friends like that and just expects things to be normal again. But as we've continually seen, the characters of Robbie and Tash are genuinely in love, so I suppose it is in their characters to overcome a barrier like this one.

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I got the impression that it was the script writers' intention for this to be a 'love conquers all' storyline (between R/T), but it hasn't worked. The bulk of the storyline centring around the Believers, what they did to Tasha, how they conned her, etc has been written very well, but with regards to how it affected Rob/Tash's relationship, I think that it was handled badly. If the intention was to have a 'love conquers all' type storyline, they've failed, making Tasha seem selfish and ignorant of Robbie and others' feelings.

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I agree with Liz. I liked the Believers storyline, but the Robbie and Tasha relationship was ruined as a result. I can totally believe that Tasha would be naive enough to fall for a cult, but what I didn't buy was that she would turn her back on Robbie so easily after making such a song and dance about their 'marriage' and how committed they were to each other. Now it seems that she didn't comprehend what such a committment meant when they had their fake wedding, which just belittles the relationship IMO.

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At the end of the day Rob and Tash are in love with eachother, tash was very vunerable and believed what her supposed 'new friends' were saying, and she had spent more time with them than any of her other friends, and doesnt like to not trust people so thought they were being genuine.

Rob had been down in the dumps since she left him, so as for her going for Jonah in the hospital, she didnt know that Jonah raped her at that point and he did encounter some hurt after he tried to escape with her, so its obvious that she would feel sorry for him.

All i can say is Rob and tash are made for each other anyway after all that ramble

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I agree with Liz. I liked the Believers storyline, but the Robbie and Tasha relationship was ruined as a result. I can totally believe that Tasha would be naive enough to fall for a cult, but what I didn't buy was that she would turn her back on Robbie so easily after making such a song and dance about their 'marriage' and how committed they were to each other. Now it seems that she didn't comprehend what such a committment meant when they had their fake wedding, which just belittles the relationship IMO.

Maybe the writers were trying to reflect that Rob and Tasha weren't ready for such a committment and that's why Tasha was so easily led astray. Maybe she had doubts about the relationship that were put to rest after her experience with the Believers, and the whole learning process enabled her to mature a little.

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