bizkit01 Posted July 12, 2006 Report Posted July 12, 2006 sarah_belle said: That was great...Cant Wait For More Thanks glad you liked it.
bizkit01 Posted July 12, 2006 Report Posted July 12, 2006 [Chapter 3] [The Near Encounter] …….. Flight 197 to Summer Bay now boarding at Gate 36A………. “Time to meet the family, can’t bel…” Jack begins to say but stops as he gets up bumps into someone “Awww…. Hey wat-c-h it…..” “Martha…….. M-a-r-t-h-aa……… Earth to Martha” Ray signals “What are you looking at?” “A what……. sorry, I’m just thinking……… [Martha’s P.O.V] I would have sworn that guy looked exactly like Jack. I don’t know maybe it's me imaging things again. I’m not sure, but there was something about him, that’s captivating. I better get on this flight, the sooner I leave the better. “Hey, I better get on that plane” I mumble “You betcha……” Ray sweetly replies “I’m going to miss you” “Oi! Don’t all soft on me now” I protest “Hah, I love you very much and you know I’ll always be here for you alright?” “OK, thank you. I love you too” “Hey what are friends for? ……. Now get on that plane go have some fun!!” “Bye!” I shout as I head over to the gate. [Jack P.O.V] “Awww…. Hey wat-c-h it…..” As Jack walks off not saying anything he thinks. Wow that girl looked like Martha! I can't....[sTOP IT JACK!] [KNOCK OUT OF IT!!] Your going away for your father’s wedding 4 weeks of fun just what you need. Meet some new girl and be yourself, forget about Martha. Besides its not as if I going to meet her in the bay anyway…………………… He couldn’t have been more wrong!! He thinks his problems are ending there just beginning!!! “Your ticket please” the lady asks “Here” “Thank you, have a nice flight” [At the Plane] “Ah… seat 50A. Turn right here it’s the first seat on your right. Window seat” “Thanks” Back at the plane gate….. “Seat 55A, go straight, turn right, third seat on your left” “Thank you very much” “You welcome very much” *Everyone settled* *Plane takes off* Martha & Jack ran into each other, neither off know it. They had suspicions, but weren’t sure. If Jack had stayed a bit longer they would have. They could have meet on plane but seats numbers separated them. Everything seems calm now but the trouble’s only beginning. This is only THE BEGINNING ……….
Tasha Posted July 12, 2006 Report Posted July 12, 2006 omg im loving it...i cant wait till their properly meet please update soon
Jacksthehottest Posted July 12, 2006 Report Posted July 12, 2006 oh my god this is soo good, i can't wait for them to run into each other again, please update soon i can't wait to read more
bizkit01 Posted July 12, 2006 Report Posted July 12, 2006 Thannx for the feedback. More will be up this evening. Soon......
bizkit01 Posted July 12, 2006 Report Posted July 12, 2006 I know, I said this evening, but i was on the computer anyway and thought I should post it. Enjoy Chapter 4 [Home Sweet Home] - Part 1 [Jack P.O.V] “Wow, the old place hasn’t changed a bit.” I can’t wait to see Dad and Luc. This holiday is going to be great. “Taxi!!” “Where to sir?” “No. 13 Whale Road” “Alright” [Martha’s P.O.V] “Wow, the old place hasn’t changed a bit.” The place is still beautiful. I can’t wait to see Tash. I’m going to have a great time; I have a feeling about it. “Taxi!!” “Where ya goin’?” “No. 15 Westbourne Avenue” “Rightio” [Hunter/Hunter Hunter] After Jack pays the taxi driver he heads towards the house before he hears two people having a very heated argument. “You know, I don’t know why your being such as arse!” “Well I don’t know why your being so upset. Maybe if you would actually talk to me instead of biting my head off every time I try to have a normal conversation with you we’ll ‘actually’ get somewhere.” “Really?” “Yea, ‘Really’ ” He peeks to see it’s no another than Matilda and Lucas having a go at each other again. “Wow I can see what Dad’s talking about” he mutters. He takes a seat between the wall that separates Lucas's room from the rest of the house. Waiting to see if they continue. “YOU KNOW WHAT?” [And they do] “WHAT?” “I DON’T CARE ANYMORE. YOU CAN GO AND HAVE FUN WITH THAT BITCH!!!!!!” “That’s IT!! Alright... I’ve had enough. End of discussion” *little [miniature] laugh* “End of discussion? Well” “End of relationship” she says “Wait!, Maddie…” she runs out in tears ignoring Lucas’s calling of her name. Wow I feel sorry for him. He didn’t even see me by the way. He just punches his door and goes in and slams it. Smashing all the things inside by the sound of it. At least I can enter the house now. Tony and Beth arrive 10 minutes later obviously smitten with each other. “Jack, mate!!” Tony shouts “What are you doing here?” “Hmm… that’s a funny question, considering you asked me to come.” “You know what I mean” “I saw it as an opportunity to get off work, so I’m here for 4 weeks” “That’s great” announces Beth from the door. “Hey you look wonderful! Congratulations” I say as I kiss her on the cheek “Thank you so much, while you haven’t changed one bit” “It’s only been 3 and half years, but still your glowing” [Luc’s P.O.V] What!, Jack’s here? How come I didn’t know that, furthermore how come I didn’t see him? Oh, man there so many things I want to tell him, I need his advice. But I’m so angry right now; I’m still gob-smacked about Matilda. “Have you seen Lucas and Matilda?” [Jack doesn’t reply] [Oh no, he knows, he heard the argument. He was there and I didn’t even see him, where was he. Maybe I was too angry to notice his presence] “Jack…..” “Jack, if something happened, tell us” Beth says worriedly “Erm……… I don’t know whether I should you guys this” Jack begins “Were their parents for God sake; we deserve to know!” Beth retorts “Beth….” Tony warns “OK” Jack replies putting his hand up in defeat. “When I came in Luc and Maddie were having a very heated argument. Matilda was very upset, I don’t know what they were arguing before or at first, but at the end Matilda told Luc that he should go and have fun with………. well she said ‘bitch’ I think another girl. Lucas said he’d had enough and Matilda dumped him. Neither of them saw me. Maddie ran off and Luc’s been in his room since the argument well break-up.” “Before you say anything, don’t angry, I think they just need some time to cool off. Like I said it was a heated argument” “OK, Fine, well we won’t do anything about it until tomorrow” they reply “Thanks” he utters [Tony P.O.V] I can’t believe Lucas just completely ignored Jack’s presence. Sure he was upset, I understand, Maddie means a lot to him, but that doesn’t mean he should act like Jack wasn’t there. Maybe he was to angry see that he was there. As they say “Anger is blinding” Same thing with Love except love tears your heart out and hurts like hell. At the same time Martha arrives at Rob/Tash’s Place. - Part 2 Drama, Drama, Drama it’s all just beginning! And the Fun’s about the START!
Jacksthehottest Posted July 12, 2006 Report Posted July 12, 2006 aww this is soo good, i can't wait for the momenmt where Jack and Martha get to see each other, lol i wanna see their reactions please update soon i love this fic
Nicom Posted July 12, 2006 Report Posted July 12, 2006 I SOOOO can't wait!! Really looking forward to seeing their "Worlds collide"... Sorry, had the urge to say it.
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