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Bound By Fate

Guest bizkit01

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Its been 3 days since you said you'll update. Im very impatient when it comes to good fan fics

Pleeeeeease update soon

I'm sorry, I've been sick with typhoid fever. But I'll try to put it up today if I can.

Thanks , I'm glad you like it.

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  bizkit01 said:
Its been 3 days since you said you'll update. Im very impatient when it comes to good fan fics

Pleeeeeease update soon

I'm sorry, I've been sick with typhoid fever. But I'll try to put it up today if I can.

Thanks , I'm glad you like it.

Oh im sorry. I hope you feel better soon. And you dont have to rush with the fic. Im sory for pressuring you :P


Sorry, for the delay I was sick a week ago and then I've been busy with school work and then I had to pack for my holiday to Kensington. So, here are the next few chapters.

Chapter 7 [The Meeting]

[The Beach]

"Look, I know you feel depressed with Matilda and all but you'll get through it. Why don't you just talk to her, tell her how you feel. Tell her the TRUTH." Jack replies

"Thanks, man" Lucas smiling

"Hey, why don't we head to the diner instead of the Surf Club" Jack suggests

"Alright, let's go, I'll just call Beth and tell her the charge of plans"

[The Diner]

"Tash, really you need to relax, you look as if here is somebody stalking us."

[Tasha's P.O.V]

How can she tell me to relax??? If only she knew the truth she'd freak.

I can't help it, but worry and Robbie texting me every 10mins isn't helping matters.

Oh My God!!! Jack?? What is he doing here, this is not happening,and there is no way, I'm taking blame for this. She brings out her phone and writes:

Robbie!!! Jack's here!!!





"What's wrong? You'd forget something?" Martha asks

"Erm... ya my purse" Tash replies

"God, erm... Jack, I forgot my wallet on the beach, I have to go get it.

"I'll wait for you here" he answers

"But, you're a cop, in case anyone tries to steal it. C'mon, come with me" Lucas pleads


[Phew.... that was close, what is Martha doing here anyway?]

"Jack.. my main man watcha doing??" Rob asks

"Going to look for Luc's wallet he replies

"Good, you go look for that wallet, take-your-time"

"A l r i g h t ... I w i l l. Let's go Luc" Jack responds


"Rob, come to join us" Tash asks

"Who, was that person you were talking to" Martha cuts in before Rob could answer

"Some guy asking for directions" he quickly replied "Why?"

"Oh, Nothing"

[The Beach]

"Found it"

"Finally" Jack mutters "Come, let's go home bro"

[Hunter/Holden House]

Lucas and Jack walk into the house and are met by a very angry Matilda, who apparently is still upset about Beth and Tony's little talk.

"Back, from paradise?" she snarls

"What did I do this time" Lucas retorts

"How, could you leave me with them?" Matilda asks furiously "Was it some sort of revenge after yesterday?"

"Look, me and Jack had plans long before Dad and Beth decided to have there talk; so don't spring this on me Lucas snapped

"You're such a jerk" Matilda spat and walked out

"See, how can I tell her how I feel when she hates my guts?"

"My advice..... just wait it out"

[The Diner] -Outside

"Where is he?" Beth asks anxiously

"Gone, with Luc" Robbie replies

"Thank God, I can relax over coffee. Is Martha stilll in there"

"No, she went to get something from the house then she and Tasha are going shopping" Robbie answers

"Ok, just keep an eye on her, I should get to Noah's, gotta go" Beth replies

"I got it covered bye"

Unknown to the, they couldn't be more wrong, Jack and Martha are on the verge of meeting, what - will - happen, when they do ? How will they react when they find out they've been lieing to them. The series of events are just begining.



Chapter 8 [The Meeting] - Pt 2

[Hunter/Holden House]

"Luc, I going for a walk, tell Dad and Beth, I'll be back soon"

"Yea, sure whatever" Lucas replies obviously still reeling from his misunderstanding

with Matilda earlier.

[Rob/Tash's Place]

"Where is she, I thought you said she came home" Robbie asks

"She did, she must have left when I was in the shower" Tasha replies

"You mean you don't know where she went? She could have run into Jack for God Sake" Robbie muttered

"Maybe, if you had been keeping an eye on her, like your mom told you to

we wouldn't be in this situation, this is your falut not mine, you deal with it.

I'm tired of being your errant girl.Tasha spat, with that she slammed their room door and locked it.

Robbie took his keys and went to look for Martha.

[Hunter/Holden House]

"You, let him go??" Beth exclaimed

"Don't shout at me, its not my fault, you didn't tell me that Martha was here" Lucas replied

"Ok,Ok... instead of arguing lets go look for him" Tony chipped in

"Let's go" Beth commanded and the three of them went to look for Jack

After Jack hadn't been found after 5 mins Beth began to assume the worst. her assumptions were confirmed when Robbie told her Martha had also gone somewhere.

What will happen??? Will Jack and Martha be found before its too late. Apart or Together????

Find out Chapter 9 [The Meeting] - Pt 3


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