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Home & Away’s new couple, Pt 1

Guest Nathan

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Part 2

Ok, ok, so Rhys Wakefield is a hottie. We all know that. But what's he really like? Stephanie spoke to his girlfriend and Home and Away co-star Indiana Evans, who plays Matilda Hunter, to find out and also got the goss on what it's like to be one of the hottest TV shows ever!

How did you get your part on Home and Away?

I wish I had an interesting story for that but I don't! I just had an agent and auditioned and was successful.

How did you feel when you found out you got the part?

Ecstatic. Yeah, very, very, excited.

Did you watch the show before you were on it?

Well, because I'd actually watched the show it was very surreal! Yeah, but the whole cast was really welcoming, so it was all good and they were all really nice.

Were you nervous?

Very. [Laughs] Particularly for my first scene because I'd seen the cast on television as well. I mean I think even if I hadn't watched it, every first job when you're so young would be nerve wracking.

What do you think of Matilda?

I think she's quite outspoken and a bit feisty! Yeah, she always speaks her mind.

Are you anything like her?

Some people say we look similar! But i think I'm a bit more introverted than she is. A lot of things that I will play through her I'll draw on my own personal experience and I'll play it as if Indiana would, because that's what I know and that's how I'll try and make it real so I suppose naturally there's a connection.

If you were friends with Matilda, what's one piece of advice you'd like to give her?

I'd tell her to hang on to that Lucas guy. He's pretty nice!

When we spoke to Rhys, he told us about your first onscreen kiss and how nervous he was! How did you feel about it?

[Laughs] I was just as nervous. Yeah, and we were sort of awkward and nervous with each other. It was hilarious, like we laugh about it now.

Rhys also told us that you guys are dating in real life..


Does that make it easier or harder to work together?

It's pretty much the same. I mean we both really care about our work so we try to be professional and don't really bring it to work, like we don't act that coupley on set or anything like that, we try and separate fact from fiction.

Do you think that Rhys is like his character?

They're both quite nice! [Laughs] Yeah, I think Rhys is a little bit more nerdy than Lucas!

Have you told him that?

No! I hope he doesn't read it!

What's been your favourite storyline so far?

A lot of the stuff that we're filming now has been really good, really challenging but of course I can't give that away!

OK, we'll just have to keep watching! So, if your could choose your dream storyline, what would that be?

Matilda goes to Europe. Which would mean that Indiana would have to go to Europe! It would be tough, but I think that I could do it. [Laughs]

Do you get recognized on the street a lot now?

It really depends on where you go. Sometimes it's ok, but other times it can get a bit full on.

How do you cope?

It's ok, I mean most people are really nice and supportive about it so usually it's fine.

Do you still have to go to school as well as work on Home and away?

Yes, I do, unfortunately. [Laughs]. I'm doing home school so I'm doing it by distance education, which I mostly do at home because I like to separate school from work, I don't really do it at work.

Is it hard to juggle the two?

Yeah, it is. Basically it's just finding the time and the self-discipline I suppose.

What do you do in your spear time?

School work! [laughs] When I can I try and fit in as much spending time with my friends as possible, my friends outside of work.

What do your friends think about you being on Home and Away?

Yeah, they think it's good, they're supportive. I'm still the same, stupid Indiana to them, so it's all good.

Ok, this is a tough one, and Rhys had trouble with it, but can you describe yourself in three words?

Oh. No! [laughs] Hmm. Umm... determined, unorganized and a bit shy.

Indiana's faves:

Fave food: Pizza and Strawberries. Not together though!

Fave colour: That's hard, I don't really have a favourite colour per se, it always changes. Umm, I'm wearing a lot of black at the moment!

Fave place: Probably our regular family holiday spot on the south coast of Australia.

Fave animal: Hmm, that's between a wombat and a leopard.

Fave season: Summer.

Fave smell: You know that smell when it's dry and rain's about to come? I love that.

Fave sound: I hate to have a theme with the whole rain thing, but when you're at home and you're sleeping and there's rain outside. I love it.

Fave TV shows: Lost and The Simpsons.

Fave movies: The Notebook and Pleasantville.

  • 2 weeks later...


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