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Guest [.jessa-belle.]

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Kite Ritchie Sig


Ok i will put this tutorial here....

Channing Tatum Simple Avatar Tutorial

Ok to go from this:UP_52.jpg to this:channingtatum2.jpg

Ok crop your base to 100 by 100

Ok now duplicate your base layer.

Now remove the background from that duplicate.

Then select the background layer and go Filter>>Blur>>Motion Blur.

Select Distance:999

The on the first duplicate Go Blending Options>>Outer glow and choose the settings you want

Flatten Image

Duplicate the base layer and set to Overlay

Flatten Image

I did a border but you don’t have to

Then go Image>>Duplicate

Then make the duplicate 30 by 30 in size

Then drag it onto your avatr and place it where you want.

And there your done!


A Simple Indiana Tute

From This:TVTurns50_H84562.jpg to This:indi_tute_avvy.jpg

Crop your base layer to 100 by 100

Ok Duplicate your base layer 4 times and set them like this:

1. Multiply 65%

2.Screen 70%

3.Lighten 100%

4.Overlay 100%

Now go Layer>>New Fill Layer>>Solid Color and but it on exclusion and selcet a dark blue.

Now go Layer>>Flatten Image

Now Image>>Adjustments>>Variations and Click Blue once, if it looks to dark on your image go Edit>>Fade Variations , if it is to light click on Blue again

Ok now get the Dodge Tool and go over her eyes,lips and hair, set the tool on 20% Exposure

Ok now go Burn Tool on 50% exposure and go over the apples of her cheeks and hair

Now get a blue colour and put a small line of gradient and set it to overlay and duplicate it.

now your done.


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