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Official Site - NEW RULE!

Guest Foxy

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why anyone would want to create a site with the exact same material when its here already.....weird!

I've had that problem with my site and YouTube. I don't see the reasoning at all why people would take videos from a site that isn't there's and upload it to another site that isn't there's. It's not like they get anything from it, it's just pointless.

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Hey guys,

Just wanted to say that I'm sorry if I have done anything wrong. I agree this rule is a good idea but I guess other people wouldn't like it either.

I posted the official site stuff last week as I thought that fans would find it easier to look at the pictures as well as read the latest info. I don't mind if someone just posts the right links onto a thread but I suppose someone will still 'copy & paste' it instead!!

Jazer (Jarad) :)


Question about the rule*

If we quote and paste the url of the text in our post because we want to make a point about something, is it okay then?


It is OK to post a link, but personally I can not see the point...I doubt that there is a single member here who does not know how to use the net and to find the the official site!

We would also ask that members DO NOT cut and paste ANYTHING from another site...this includes sites like TV Week..again members are quite capable of finding it for themselves...If it turns out they are not..we would consider pinning a thread with all the relevant links...(e.g. Offical site, TV Week, Inside soap, other fan sites etc...)....but that is a whole other question.

If you want to comment upon what appears on another site that is a different matter...just please remember there are laws about copyright..From time to time someone may post something without realising that they are breaching copyright...hell...I have done it myself when I was sent something and was assured it was above board and kosher......but we will alway remove it if we realise that this is not the case....so please make sure that nothing which you post is "lifted" directly form another site.

Thank You.


Copyrighting over the internet is becoming out of control and as yet there is not much precedent or established case law to indicate to what extent copyrighting of material on the net is illegal. However the courts are incresingly moving towards coming down much tougher on sites and individuals who copyright material. Ultimately it is those who host the illegal material ie. the website teams and ISP who will end up embroiled in legal battles rather than the members responsible for posting the copyrighted material. I can't remember off the top of my head but it was one of the cases the music industry bought against an illegal uploading site and the decision found that the ISP and website controller was legally responsible for copyrighted material uploaded by it's members as it could have stopped the posting but didn't. An awful lot of time and effort goes into this site and a large number of people appreciate the work that goes in and it would be a shame if those who do work so hard on sites such as this are punished for the actions of irresponsible members.

I agree with Frankie and others that a link is more than sufficient to pinpoint material on another site if somebody wishes to comment on it and I personally don't see any need for lifting material and reposting it.

Sorry I've got my work head on and I appologise if I'm being too technical or confusing anybody. What I'm trying to say is that I 100% agree with this rule. I understand that a lot of people have no idea if what they're doing is illegal or not and I'm not getting at anybody who posts something in good faith believing it to be kosher as Frankie said. I just wanted to point out to those who think the new rule is unfair or unnecessary, the problems that copyrighting material causes, not for themselves but for those people who host the material.

POST EDIT: Sorry if I'm ranting, I really need to learn not to let work bother me when I'm not there!

  • 2 weeks later...

I understand that taking stuff from the official site is probably breaking squillions of copyright laws and stuff, so I'm sorry if this sounds like a really blonde question...

So if we're not allowed to take stuff from other places (including TV Week etc) then what IS allowed to go into the News and Articles section of the site? It can be said of any article that people are "capable of finding it themselves" (if they know where to look) so does that mean that nothing should be posted in there? Again, I'm sorry if this is a stupid question, but I just wanna clarify it before I go and muck up (which I have on previous occasions) :)


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