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Soaps Make Matters Worse.

Guest Frankie

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Thanks Frankie.

I think that this time Home and Away are so-far doing a good job of the bulimic storyline. Jade's in 2001 (I think) was done terribly back then was the time to moan and whinge about how the story was handled but not this time around. I remember quite clearly when Jade was talking to the counsellor for the first (and only time) the counsellor said something on the lines of 'I have been a counsellor for 2 years but I have been dealing with eating disorders for 6' and that is all I remember of the story. That made is seem like the problem would all go away with a 5 minute chat to someone who has suffered the disorder and that is NOT the case. Also it made me wonder why Jade had her counselling at home with all her family members around to hear what she had to say for herself.


Sydney Morning Herald 29th July 06.

Rather than educating children, television soaps may be making matters worse, writes Brad Newsome.

I don't tune into home and away to be educated (although i have been recently with the bulimic and abuse storylines) I tune in the watch a soap/drama series where characters can get away with murder, have scandalous affairs, and la la la la.

If they are so worried about it why is nobody whinging about the news? That's far worse.

I can't even watch the news anymore for fear that a graphic image will appear on my screen without warning. And the news is ment to be an informative program that you do tune into to be enducated about and updated with current affairs. Do you think showing images of places being blown up during a war (without warning) is not 'making matters worse'?

Since when does the TELEVISION educate children? Isn't that the PARENTS job?


Personally, I have never had an eating disorder, but have recently noticed a close friend of mine acting a bit 'odd.' After seeing Mattie's symptoms, I have realised that my friend is going through all that too! It took my friend a while to open up, but basically HAA saved her life! For that I am very thankful.

And there is just one of the many examples i have read over the past few weeks that proves this storyline is doing more harm than good.

EDIT: Thanks for the article Frankie :)


Every day, children see something that sets a bad example, and this is in the real world. What happens on TV is not real life, it just covers real life issues. If people want to copy what they see on TV, thats their problem.


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