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NZ Episode Discussion (contains UK Spoilers)


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^ Thanks for that!

The episode last night was really good. I liked Peter's reaction to Drew and Amanda... god that woman is such a drama queen! Amanda feeling sorry for herself was so funny to watch. Macca seems like a really sweet and caring friend for her and I really like the friendship they have.

LOVE Rocco. He's so sweet and innocent looking. I don't think I would ever believe a guy like that could even hurt a fly, he's gorgeous. I'm glad Brad is treating him nicely.

Brad and Sally... so much tension and chemistry there it's great to watch! The more I think about it, the more I actually think that they suit each other.

LOVE Johnny even more. He's so bad and mysterious. I can't wait for tonight's ep! :P

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I think Johnny is great, even though he is a bad guy. I thought it was funny when he was playing that game with Irene in the Diner with that money. If i was Brad i would watching my back if i was him as i think Johnny may come after him especially after what happened last night. I loved Brads quote to Sally i can't remember exactly how it went but it was like "Cutting loose from a gang isn't like cancelling a gym membership". I thought it was hilarious when he said it and wondered how he came up with such a random quote like that.

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:wub: *sigh* Johnny... He is great! I can't wait to see what happens during his time in the bay. It's good becasue now he's there we might be able to see more of Rocco who is just the sweetest thing.

I agree... Brad better watch his back, it was quite freaky the way they were following him in the car.

Ric and Matilda's date was cute. I really liked that. It was funny when he asked her out for lunch and she was like, "Oh I don't know, I was really looking forward to staying home and watching Passions..." Ric's face was priceless.

Oohh... I wonder what Rocco will do? Poor boy. As much as I like him, Johnny should just leave him alone and not force him into anything... he deserves to start a new life...

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Rocco seems lovely...he just doesn't seem cut out to be in a gang. You don't just stop being in a gang, Brad's right.

Ric and Maddie are great together, they seem genuinely into each other.

They don't look like they are acting.

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Today's episode was good. I'm glad they are showing more of Peter and I love his addcition storyline. Nic is such a good actor, he seems to be pulling it off well.

Poor Rocco. I wish that he didn't get sucked back into the gang. Poor Brad! But that was funny when Johnny talked to him about the break in. He looked so angry when he went storming back over to them!

And Johnny what a smart a%# "I hope they catch who did it" "You have a good day!"

I feel sorry for Amanda having to go back to being mean to everyone, especially now that Johnny and co are about to break into her place! Oh well she can afford it I guess...

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Sally, Brad and little Pippa were so cute together tonight. Brad was good with Pippa and they looked like a family together like that, maybe its a sign of things to come. :wub:

Peter and Amanda looked cosy in the pantry. I had to laugh when Rocco said you can't leave them in there and Johnny said well they won't starve.

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:( Last week of Home and Away for the year!!!!

I'm soooo loving the gang storyline right now. lol! Wonder why??? :wub:

The last two episodes of the week were really good. The Matilda and Ric scenes were cute. Ric seems like the most sweetest boyf in the world. Beth annoyed me with her sudden interest in Matilda's love life. But oh well. Belle was great, she can be so funny at times. "Ooh look it's Barbie all tarted up for her date with Ken!"

Nice to see that Cassie hasn't disappeared completely, I feel sorry for her being so outcasted by the rest of the teens.

Gees, Ash was pretty quick to latch on to Martha... mind you she could've said no... Poor old Jack. I like watching Paul O'Brien with the whole Jack not walking thing, he's playing the part really well.

Again Nic Bishop showed what a great actor he is with the whole addiction storyline, and of course I can't leave without a comment about the Cooper brothers. They are my flavours of the month :wub:

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