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NZ Episode Discussion (contains UK Spoilers)


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I know it was sad about Beth leaving. I felt so sorry for Tony. I wanted to give him a hug.

I hope Rocco wakes up to clear Ric's name. Im pretty sure Johnny is behind his attack. The bit at the end when we saw him sitting in his prison cell gave it away i reckon. Plus he always said that if Sally didn't die then Rocco would.

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If Johnny is responsible for the attack, then I won't be a happy camper! I really thought he cared about Rocco... especially after what he said to Ric about practically raising him...

Poor Rocco. And poor Tony! I really felt sorry for him! :(

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Martha is turning into a right little bitch, I never did like her. If I was Alf I'd have tanned her backside for her. How dare she speak to Morag like that? Morag is the business.

Kit proves yet again, pregnant women can look mighty sexy. Rachael has been spending far too much time with Leah and has taken over as the whine and moan queen of Summer Bay.

Brad and Sally? I'd sooner watch paint dry.

I so agree with u jofish on the martha espoide! I felt so sad for morag~

Also agree with u about the Brad and sally, i think he's not right for her!!

As for kit not that surprising really its Racheal i feel sorry for once again!

But also agree with the whinging part!!

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I missed the whole week... so finally got to catch up today! Yay!

The first half of the omnibus just had me on the edge of my seat. I felt so sorry for poor Rocco. You could see how guilty he was about everything, and then to have that happen to him! I really admired Ian's acting. I liked that scene at the prison where Johnny said he'd always have his back. It was kinda sweet of him.

I have to say I judged Kelli waaaay too hastily. I didn't think I would... but I actually quite like her and I can't wait to see what she has planned. I love the fact that she's stirring up trouble for Amanda and when she does stir she just acts so innocent... that is very cool!

Can't believe Pete proposed to Amanda... I wish Clare would come back... :(

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I agree with you about Clare coming back, Adia. I wish she did. I'm very happy about Kelli being in town and "stirring up trouble" for Peter/Amanda. I think their relationship is way too perfect and so, I'd love to see Kelli's plans to ruin it along with Amanda's life.

I agree again with you, Adia, about Kelli and how she looks so sweet and innocent on the outside but on the inside, she's so evil. Alexa Ashton is such a great actress.

I'm very grateful for the omnibus. I managed to watch the whole week's worth of episode.

Poor Rocco. I really feel sorry for him. He didn't deserve to be beaten up like that. I reckon he should've just gone to jail and suffered there instead.

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Poor Ric. He has been charged with Roccos attempted murder even though he had nothing to do with the attack on him. I hope Rocco wakes up to clear his name. I only saw the last 5 minutes of tonights show so from what i can gather Kelli was up to something again tonight. And i also agree with swfc and Adia, Clare should come back. Her and Peter were the perfect couple.

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How could they do this to me, they killed him, they killed him after giving me hope. Poor Ric, thank god Matildas back on his side, it was such a sad espiode, and I now really hate Ash, I was willing to give him a chance after he "left" his wife, but what he did is inexcusable.

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