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NZ Episode Discussion (contains UK Spoilers)


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It's no problem, Lise. Glad to help out. :) Yeah the episode tonight was really great. Yeah it's weird that Cassie is really grumpy and she looks upset when Brad tells Sally that he loves her.

I agree that Ric is soo funny singing a song about Brad and Sally. :lol: Ric's really great and accepting their relationship. Do you think? Because he thanked Brad at the ball for you know what because Brad and Rachael had planned a surprise for Sally.

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Today's episode made me all teary. Why was Cassie so grumpy when Brad told Sally he loved her? How slutty was Lisa's red dress?! YAY for Irene!! "Brad and Sally, sitting up a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g" That scene made me laugh so much. Ric's so funny!

I agree with your comments Mez. It was also funny when Ric said to Brad "Would you like me to take your temperature?" If Sally was there she would have told him off for being so cheeky. I can't work out what is up with Cassie, maybe she is upset that everyone else is happy and she isn't because of the whole Macca thing. Irene had me laughing, she was pretty speechless after winning that trip. I wish Lisa would go away, she is too clingy.

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I really don't know what I'd do without the omnibus... damn work making me miss H&A all the time...

I can't believe it was the end! I was so sad that it was Johnny's last episode. I was teary when he was punching Ric but saying he loved his brother. What a great and complex character played perfectly by the gorgeously talented Callan Mulvey... *sigh* :( Miss him...

Kelli is great! But I think Belle might be on to her. Speaking of Belle, I felt so sorry for Lucas at the Ball... yay for Irene, Sally and Brad...

I like James... he seems really sweet and caring towards Kit and he's so funny! That was nice of him to bring the ball to her and the sparkling mineral water!

Still sad about Johnny though....

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I disagree James is creepy. I can't pinpoint it but there's something about him that I don't like.

The Ric and Brad scene had the potential to make Ric seem very immature but Mark Furze did it very well.

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There's something I don't like about James either. I don't know what it is, I just don't like him.

I'm with you over the omnibus Adia! I miss it during the week because of work too! Yay for public holidays though :P

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It was a good episode tonight. I feel sorry for poor Lucas when he found out about Belle and Drew.

What are your thoughts on Lisa revealing the photos of Belle and Drew kissing to the whole class?

My thought on this is: Lisa should have backed off and leave it alone to Belle to deal with it because Belle's the only one who will tell Lucas the truth.

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The phrase: "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned" comes to mind. Still, it was a pretty horrid thing to do. I felt the need to slap her to be honest....

Well at least now she isn't with Drew we won't have to put up with her anymore. She was so annoying. I felt so sorry for Lucas, Belle should have ended things a lot sooner and saved him the humiliation.

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She should have! At least she didn't want to do anything with Drew until she'd broken up with Lucas. Although, cheating emotionally is just about as bad as physically cheating on my eyes. There was that 1 kiss on the beach too....Poor Lucas. He was getting to be such a horny wee guy!

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