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NZ Episode Discussion (contains UK Spoilers)


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Excatly, Lise! Lisa should have posted the photo of Drew/Belle kissing or put it in his locker instead of showing it to the whole class!

It was a good episode.

*Felt still sorry for poor Lucas. He and Belle did make a good couple. But well I don't mind that Drew and Belle are back together once again.

*Poor Sam. Poor Rory. Poor Jack. I feel sorry for them. Rusty seemed a creepy man. I am beginning to warm to Sam and Rory. I think Rory is cute. :)

*Cam's a sleazy creep! Can't believe my eyes when the surfclub was trashed. :o

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I cried when Sam left, why couldn't she stay with Jack :(, the actress was wonderful I really hope she returns.

Grrr! at Martha, silly woman going out with Cam, and so soon after Ash, open you eyes woman!.

I felt so bad for Lucas too, it must hurt to be betrayed like that, but I can see where Belle was coming from, but she still used him. But why did all the cool new people have to go :(, Rocco, Sam and Rory, probably Lisa now (even if she was a b!tch)

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Im going to miss Rory, he was such a cute kid. Jack, Sam and Rory did make a cute family.

As for Martha she needs someone to knock some sense into her. Cam is just plain sleazy, don't like his character at all. Its a shame Alf is away at the moment because he would have been the right person to do it.

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It was sad to see Sam and Rory leave. What an awful life that must to be lead...just running from one place to another.

Martha's having a breakdown...she's got to be. You'd think she would have learnt her lesson after Ash but it appears not.

I feel sorry for Lucas and Belle did the wrong thing but they didn't have the same chemistry as Belle and Drew do. I am surprised however that Belle is going out with Drew after what he did with Amanda.

I wonder who trashed the Surf Club, if it was Cam or someone else?

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I thought it was hilarious tonight when Ric caught Brad leaving the house in the morning and said "he stayed the night didn't he" and then Mattie and Tony appeared and Tony said "and so it would appear did Matilda". The looks on all there faces was priceless. Also with the whole Brad hiding under the table so he didn't get caught was quite funny as well.

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I only caught the end of last night's ep but it was pretty obvious that Ric and Maddie got caught.

Belle is so onto Kelli. I hope she exposes her for the cow she is. I don't like Kelli much.

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Okay... omnibus round up. I have to say that I wasn't particularly looking forward to this week. For obvious lack of Johnny reasons... But I was so pleasantly suprised.

I'm a bit over the Belle/Drew thing, that was kind of bland, but poor Lucas. Lisa was such cow about the whole thing...

Yay we got to see Super Jack in action again, I loved his tackle on that guy :P Rory was cute though, it's so sad to see him leave.

The Martha storyline is getting interesting. I liked Cam to begin with, but now he does seem kind of sleazy. I like the mysteriousness about him, but I really think he's just going to take Martha for a ride. Plus, he has a new jacket and all remnants of Johnny are now gone... (Yes I know I just have to get over it... :(

How sweet were Sally/Brad/Mattie/Ric! :wub: That was the best part about the whole thing. That was hilarious when they all got caught by Tony! The whole thing about them was so cute. Matilda really has matured since she got together with Ric, Tony looked so flustered when she was talking about staying over with Ric again...

Loving Kelli and Ethan. They are such a great contrast to the Amanda/Peter relationship. I really don't like watching them at all for some reason. I can't wait to see what Kelli has planned, I know it sounds mean, but I so want her to ruin Amanda's life... muahahahahahaha!

lol. :P

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I thought is was funny how you could tell Sally wanted to tell Ric and Maddie off for going behind everyone's back but she knew she'd done exactly the same thing herself!

I missed Friday's ep and went out for lunch today missed most of the Omnibus and I'm working tomorrow morning.

Kelli and Ethan are very...blah!

They don't seem to have any chemistry, not an ounce.

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