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NZ Episode Discussion (contains UK Spoilers)


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I must agree Jodi Gordon's acting has been pretty good through this dancing/abortion storyline, some of her acting has been quite average...can I say that on here?

Yeh, I'm sure you can :lol:

I think Drew's a hypocrite. He cheated on Belle and knew what he was doing. Amanda did the same but didn't know what she was doing. Yet, Drew still thinks he can judge her. What he did was worse! He didn't even tell Belle the truth when it happened, it was Amanda! He deserved it when Belle dumped him!

I hope you could make sense of that. Drew just angers me :lol:

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That made sense to me, NeverWinter. Maybe Belle should have thrown that oil over Drew not Ethan...or at least saved some for Drew.

I can see Ric getting in trouble with Kyle since he saw him and Lily together.

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I can't believe Drew and Belle have broken up again... <_<

I liked the part where Kim was going off at James about how he endangered Kit etc and then he was like "sugar?" all in the same tone. Its hard to explain it, but I thought it was funny at the time.

SOOOO glad Amanda and Peter are over! That was great how he brought the cops in and charged her. Muaaahahahaha!

:wub: Rodger Corser is back! I am a very happy camper!

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Adia...is Roger Corser the guy that plays Hugh?

If so, I still remember him from McLeods Daughters and hate his guts for what he did to Claire!

The Betty and Colleen stuff was hilarious!

Lily's got HUGE eyes...they are really annoying.

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I liked the part where Kim was going off at James about how he endangered Kit etc and then he was like "sugar?" all in the same tone. Its hard to explain it, but I thought it was funny at the time.

I remember that! It made me laugh. Bad acting from Chris in that ep.

Episode 4390 was hilarious! I couldn't stop laughing. Great acting from Lynne, Ada, Lyn and whoever plays Betty :P:lol:

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Adia...is Roger Corser the guy that plays Hugh?

If so, I still remember him from McLeods Daughters and hate his guts for what he did to Claire!

The Betty and Colleen stuff was hilarious!

Lily's got HUGE eyes...they are really annoying.

I did notice that Lily's eyes looked a bit wierd. I wonder how long she will be sticking around? I certainly hope she doesn't try to crack onto Ric, she was saying to Cassie how she thought Ric was cute last night.

Also Rodger Corser is the guy that plays Hugh. I still remember him from McLeods as well. It was a shame that he was married with kids, him and Claire were great together.

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Well I enjoyed this week. Let me think what I will say about this week including tonight. Yeah I remember Rodger from McLeod's Daughters. I never liked him (as peter on McLeods) when he treated Claire like crap and then took Charlotte away from Drovers.

MONDAY (EPISODE 4391)- I think it is a okay episode. I never liked the way when little Pippa was in the same room where Kyle was-if he would have tried to hurt her! But it's a good thing that Sally told Mattie to take Pippa upstairs to her room to read a book together. I think Lily's mother look creepy-don't like her outfit and eyes, hair! It was so scary in the diner when Kyle attacked Cassie in public.

TUESDAY (EPISODE 4392)- Welll hmmm...it was really scary when Cassie and Lily were trapped in the room when Kyle tried to break in. I was not happy that Cam and Martha got back together.

WEDNESDAY (EPISODE 4393)- Really sad when Cassie was banned from the helpline but she did her best to help Lily. Poor Ryan-getting caught in the rip. I feel sorry for the little boy when he was beginning teased by his friends about his drunk mum and the wedding-he doesn't deserve it!

THURSDAY (EPISODE 4394)- Liked the Hugh/Rachael/Kim scenes-so amazing. Hugh is so cute to think such of a good idea to help Kim and Rachael's relationship get back on track. Evil Kelli! I guessed she drugged Amanda's cuppa to make it look like she was drunk. Poor Belle and Amanda!

Can't wait for tomorrow night. :) I bet it will be hilarious to see some Colleen scenes tomorrow night! :lol:

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I think that Hugh likes Rachel and might try and break Rach and Kim up in the future...that's what I got from the look he had on his face yesterday.

I hope Lily doesn't end up with Ric...I don't think they'd be suited.

Only Colleen could get away with saying the things she does...she's hilarious!

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