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NZ Episode Discussion (contains UK Spoilers)


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Um...it was okay tonight. I can't believe Drew covered for Jules saying he stole the alcohol! :o

Do you think Cassie should be with the others for the funeral to support Mattie instead of spending a lot of time with Lily? It seemed it is straining Cassie/Mattie's friendship coz Cassie is spending a lot of time with Lily and not caring about going to the funeral to support Mattie.

Don't blame me if I am wrong.

I really think that Cassie should be at the funeral to support Matilda. Cassie does seem to spend most of her time these days with Lily and not with Maddie. Maddie would really need the support at this point of time. I also agree with the whole Drew/Jules situation. Drew was a bit silly covering for him. I was so happy when I thought Belle & Drew were gonna kiss, but they didnt :( lol oh wellz.

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THURSDAY 30 MAY (EPISODE 4404)- It was alright same as Wednesday night. I am sick of Cassie running around after Lily all the time and not wanting Lily to hang around with Jules. Give the poor girl a break, Cassie!

FRIDAY 1 JUNE (EPISODE 4405)- Liked the hug scene between Cassie and Mattie. It's good to see them sharing a brief moment together. At the end of the episode is scary when I saw Mattie's shoe in the water. Liked the foster sibling moment between Ric and Cassie when they are talking and I loved how they grasped hands, lol. But I know there is no choice for them to get back together because Ric's with Mattie.

Looking forwards to next week. :-)

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I am huge Maddie and Ric fan so the thought of Ric and Cassie getting back together is a very bad one! I never liked them together anyway mainly because Cassie frustrates me.

I hope Maddie's ok and that someone finds her. I thought it was nice how Ric was talking about her when she was running and then we saw her shoe...he's so right that the only person that can help her now is gone!

The other day when Belle and Drew looked like they were gonna kiss I actually liked the idea. I've never got them as much as I have Ric and Maddie but the idea seemed good then.

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The whole concept of Matilda being washed into the sea bought back memories of when the same happened to Lionel on Shortland Street. Here's hoping that Matilda doesn't end up like him - missing/dead! I doubt it though. They wouldn't kill off a character so soon after Beth, especially her daughter!

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Of course, Mattie will survive.

:wink: Lily and Jules saw her in the water next week on Monday. Lily tries to help her but got separated by a huge wave. Jules DID nothing and tells Ric who can't believe Jules was standing all the time when the girls are in the water so Ric tells Jules to go and get help! And Ric saves Mattie and then Lily.

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Tonight was okay. Ric was so brave saving Mattie and Lily. Glad they are okay. I hate Jules for doing nothing when the girls are in the water. But I feel sorry for him when he told Drew he had lost his girlfriend Linda to a drowing accident.

Yeah Brad is right that Ric needs to manage his temper! Well I dunno if I don't blame Ric for going off at Jules for doing nothing when the girls both nearly drowned.

Looking forwards to tomorrow night.

Oh Lily's mother will make a last apperance to see her daughter in hospital tomorrow night and then walks out on her leaving Lilly distraught.

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Tonight was okay. Ric was so brave saving Mattie and Lily. Glad they are okay. I hate Jules for doing nothing when the girls are in the water. But I feel sorry for him when he told Drew he had lost his girlfriend Linda to a drowing accident.

Yeah Brad is right that Ric needs to manage his temper! Well I dunno if I don't blame Ric for going off at Jules for doing nothing when the girls both nearly drowned.

Looking forwards to tomorrow night.

Oh Lily's mother will make a last apperance to see her daughter in hospital tomorrow night and then walks out on her leaving Lilly distraught.

I have a feeling lilly dies????

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I've missed like 2 weeks of H&A. I even missed the omnibuses! But caught up today yay!

I kept getting the impression that Cassie was trying to control Lily like how Macca tried to control her and Kyle with Lily. I felt sorry for the poor girl everytime Cassie made a decision for her.

Not sure how I feel about Jules yet. It was sad when he talked about his girlfriend though.

Lise, I'm a huge Mattie/Ric fan as well, so stay away Cassie or I will chase you with a stick!

Loving Hugh, he's so sweet. Although I was glad to see Dr Young getting screen time when they brought Lily in. From the look on Mattie's face, I think she felt really responsible.

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I got the feeling that Maddie felt guilty for what happened to Lily but I think it probably has a lot to do with her mother die. I hope that she doesn't end it with Ric, her point is very valid but she needs him to get through this.

I was angry at Jules when he was standing there doing nothing...he could have at least gone and found someone to help but after he told Drew what happened to Linda, I actually felt sorry for him and then he left without telling anyone and then I thought he was a coward again!

Does anyone else get the feeling that Hugh will break Rachel and Kim up?

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