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NZ Episode Discussion (contains UK Spoilers)


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I watched it also.

I want Rachel and Hugh to be together :wub: they love each other!

Im tired of the Kit/Kim stuff. Also the dinghy was funny, I laughed at that part lol.

Tonight will be interesting, I wanna see Rachel and Hugh!

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My first thought was that Jazz and Jules slept together...but who knows?!?!

I thought it was bit harsh of Irene to just chuck Drew out in the middle of night.

Cassie's 18th should be good...all parties on H&A are good.

This is probably going to sound really mean but it actually good see a marriage fall apart normally one of the characters just decides it's over so they get a divorce and that' it. This time it's falling to peices quite amazingly and we get to see it.

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how could jazz do that to jules and drew why couldint he listen to what jules was saying and poor cassie what agreat birthday this whole thing with jazz and jules was a long time ago jazz is just plain horrible i hope she dosint stayon the show too much longer

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Awww I know what you mean by saying seeing her in tears is breaking my heart. She was so happy and was ready to get back together with Jules. Poor girl, she deserves to be happy. I hope she will find someone.

Also, can't wait until tonight's episode :)

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I only saw the end of last night's ep.

Tony is going to go crazy about the dinghy.

Poor Cassie, she has really bad taste in men!

I like the Belle and Drew bit at the end...they are good together this time around.

I don't like Belle's hair though.

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