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NZ Episode Discussion (contains UK Spoilers)


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This is the summary for Wednesday's episode in the paper " Jazz returns to stir up the Bay and gets a rude awakening of her own; and Rachel begins life without Kim and dreams of what could have been."

Jazz returning should be interesting.

Obviously Kim leaves Rachel tonight. At least then it'll finally be over. Rachel and Kim never appealed to me.

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I was happy to see Kim and Kit leaving. I don't like Kim and he and Rachel never had good chemistry as far as I was concerned.

If Cassie can't handle working and her schooling then she can just quit the job. Sally overreacted.

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Haven't watched H&A in ages!

Poor Brad :( Naomi is such a cow.

I have to say even though it's totally lame... I loved it when Brad mentioned Johnny!

*sighs* :wub:

I wonder how Rachel can help him though? It's obvious that he had the drugs for Emily but when he said Rachel was the only one who could help him it got me thinking. Too bad he didn't get to tell Sally about it himself though. But atleast Sally still stood by him.

I think that Geoff and Annie's Grandfather (sorry I forgot his name? Bruce?) should hook up with Colleen. I think they would make a great couple! I was getting a bit worried there at the meeting incase he mentioned the Brad blackmailing him thing infront of the Department investigator!

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Has Colleen ever been to NZ?

Not that I can remember she hasn't.

Drew's lazy...he needs get a job.

I don't know if I like those guys that Maddie is hanging around with.

Colleen has been alive for a while, Lise. Longer than what H&A has been on for. I'm sure she's been to NZ once in her life (at least!) :)

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