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NZ Episode Discussion (contains UK Spoilers)


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Tuesday (5797)

Glad Maddy had finally come to her senses at last when she realised she wanted Spencer to be happy! About time, eh? :rolleyes:

Liked the talk she had with Sasha. Hopefully they will repair their friendship and be friends again. So pleased when Spencer and Sasha finally sorted things out. (I am not a fan of them as a couple but they do deserve to be happy together)

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Wednesday (5798)

I think Kelly is doing such a good job with the 'Tamara's memory loss' storyline which made me warm to Tamara a bit since tonight's episode.

I did dislike her but since tonight's episode, I began to reailse she's not bad at all and it made me warm to her a bit.

I do hope she will remember her relationship with Casey and maybe one day, she & Casey will be reunited. But anything can happen...

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Thursday (5799)

Liked the Apex parts.

I hated the new dr and I didn't like how she made April stay all night at hospital.

Awww glad Jett had found VJ's missing Pokemon card and figured out where his missing things were. Can't blame Nina for rejecting him. I can understand her beginning hurt that she was wrongly accused of stealing the things. Hopefully it won't be the last we will see of her. She and Jett do make such a cute couple together

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Wednesday (5803)

Liked the friendship between Leah and Tamara. I do hope Tamara will go back to Casey one day in the end as Casey deserves to be happy since what happened with Ruby.

Liked how Harvery apologized to Sally for what he said behind her back and Pippa's back.

Liked the Spencer/Sasha scenes-so cute :wub: It's nice to see Sasha happy again with someone else since Stu and then Xavier, and then Casey.

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