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NZ Episode Discussion (contains UK Spoilers)


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Monday (5846)

Loved how Dexter was there for Indi when he learnt Romeo had died.

I think Chris should back off a bit and give Indi some space. I understand he just want to be there for her but he needs to back off a bit and give her some space to deal with it on her until she's ready to let him in.

Liked the intercation between Dexter and Sasha

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Friday (5850)

It was sad when Indi and Chris, Sasha, Dexter and April went to the lighthouse to scatter Romeo's ashes and say goodbye.

Awww bless Dexter! I wanted to hug him when he cried while he was reading the letter for Indi from Romeo.

So happy that Apex are finally engaged! :D:wub: They had been through a lot and now they are getting married. :P

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Tuesday (5852)

Liked the Casey/Tamara scenes

So sweet when Casey hugged Ricky. It's nice to see them getting on well.

Wednesday (5853)

Casey and Tamara-so cute. Nice to see them happy as a couple again :)

Grrr Robyn is still hanging around! I hoped she did got the message and left but no she's still there! :angry:

Can't believe she lied to Chris and Indi about her dad passing! Reminds me of Ruby when she lied to Romeo that she was pregnant so he won't go back to Indi.

Glad Kyle went to tell Chris and Indi that Robyn had lied. Good on him!

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