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Why Me? Why Us?

Guest beckyboo

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Chapter 17

It was 3 weeks later and jack had to get out the house the constant crying of his daughter was breaking his heart. He was walking along the beach were he seen the boy that had caused his daughter so much pain and he went over to confront him.

“You do realise I could get you arrested any time I want to?” He informed Sam “oh yeah on exactly what charge Constable”? “Taking a minor to a hotel room and sleeping with her” Jack replied. Sam just looked and smiled at him and said “go right ahead the little tart wanted it” Martha was walking down the beach and could here the heated exchange between her husband and her grandsons father. Martha only heard Sam call her daughter a tramp and told Jack just to walk away but it was easier said than done as she all of a sudden turned around and punched Sam in the face and then started to hit him Martha had to be physically removed screaming and shouted by Jack Martha had never once shown any emotion to the situation they were in but once she realised it was her and Jack she became the most vulnerable person in sight and all Jack could do was hold his wife while she broke down in his arms.

Katie was at home just staring at the picture of her son as she did everyday and every night. Martha walked in with Jack and knew that now she had to put on her brave front because her daughter needed it more than anything. Katie eventually went to bed at 10pm and all she could think about was the court date tomorrow which would determine weather she could bring her son home or would she have to sign him away.

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Yay, becky updated :D I hope all goes well at the court case. But i swear ive read this chapter before. Was this fic in HAAC????? Or am i just imagining things, maybe its just too early in the morning, and im still half asleep :P Great chapter. Go Martha :D

Please update sooN :D

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Chapter 18

Martha and Jack and Katie had all left for court that morning and it was now the late afternoon and they were back home all the family was their to welcome little baby Jack Holden.

Katie had taken to motherhood really well and Martha was really surprised at how well she actually handled the demands from Sam’s family that they would have the baby 2 nights a week Katie had said no to this she didt want then anywhere near her or her baby.

Sam was outraged at what she said. He couldn't believe it that she would just take his little baby away from him. Sam had been speaking to some lawyers about getting full custody of the baby, or at least getting the two nights a week he desperately wanted

If you thought about it, he had a pretty strong case. Kate realised this and also saw that something had to be done about it. Somehow she had to get rid of him.

All around the house beyond the sound of the baby you could feel the tension that was almost attached to Kate. Martha's maternal instinct kicked in and she knew that she had to talk to Kate about the situation that they had put themselves in.


Katie hadn't slept at all last night, and it wasn't due to the baby being awake. When she came downstairs she looked awful. The post had just come, so on her way down the stairs she went to pick them up there was one letter addressed to her. As she was still at school it was a rare sight, so she was deeply intrigued at what it contained, she handed Jack to Martha, so that she could open it.

Unfortunately the letter contained something that she did not want to see. She read the first paragraph before running upstairs in a fit of tears, leaving the piece of paper on the floor where she had dropped it, Jack went over to pick it up and see what was enclosed

Dear Miss Holden,

We are writing to inform you that we will be taking you to court over the custody of your son, Jack Holden. We are currently getting in contact with your lawyers. Jack stared at the letter in disbelief. Horror written all across s face they were just beginning to get their lives back on track.

The only thing he could do was speak to the lawyers.


It was the day of reckoning. The day that would decide the rest of baby Jack's life. Katie clung onto him so tightly that Martha was beginning to get worried that the boy couldn't breathe as they approached the doors, they could see Sam and his family taking their seats. Jack had promised that he would employ the best lawyers in town.

Martha's POV

How my grandson could be taken away from us. Of course Sam's family had to go and apply for full custody of Jack. If they won then they would probably change his name aswel I just can't let it happen. The hearing has gone pretty quickly, and now the jury have gone off to decide how should look after Jack and I can only hope and pray that they will make the right decsion for Jacks sake.

Kate's shaking; I don't know how she is managing to cope with all of this after all she is only 15. I know I wouldn't have been able to do it, that's why I let my parents raise my daughter. She’s a fighter just like the rest of our family and we will get through this together because that’s our job not only for Katie but for our family and our grandson too.

The jury re-assembled, ready to deliver their verdict Katie sat there with a tear running down her cheek. She just couldn't cope. She ran with Jack outside and down the corridor. Martha went after her.

Shall I continue" the judge asked.

Yer, please carry on" Jack replied, he knew that Katie wouldn't be able to hear what they said.

Right well, the jury your verdict please" the judge said.


What is their decision????

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:o :o Did I just read 2 updates!?!?!?!?

Well first of all I would like to say well done for actually updating and second of all they were both great chapters!

I really can't wait to find out what the verdict is so please please update soon and don't keep us waiting forever! Great chapter :)

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