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Guest sevenpuddings

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Yes, ms. megan's vote will not count as her vote doesn't follow the rules of the game - that's what we're trying to avoid by asking for reasons why people don't like the icons. Constructive criticism is good for everyone, and I would hope people would think more about the technique used than who's in, or not in, the icons.

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#2 - I think the icons as a whole are too bright for my liking. I don't like the stripy texture on all of the avatars, it just doesn't do the avatars any justice whatsoever IMO. Plus i can barely read the writing on the third icon, maybe they could have adjusted the colour so it was darker on this one?

Improvements - get rid of the texture, the text and dull the icons done just that little bit. :)

#6 - I think every icon in this set is dull, no one of them make you think "wow, look at that colouring" IMO. The second has been made really blurry for some reason, and it doesn't suit the icon.

Improvements - unblurr the second icon, and make the icons as a whole stand out more. :)

Okay, i know that was blunt but i have to state my reasons hope the icon makers didn't take offence. :)


3-They are nice But the colouring is a bit tooo bright!I just think its too in your face!Also it seems kinda plain.

Maybe add a border and some text!

6-These icons look really plain.Just cropped pics!No colouring,no text,no boarder!

Add some colouring abd some text or some brushes!

Luv Jo


#2 - I love the idea you've gone with. They're a nice set. However I think they're all a bit too bright. The lack of contrast is a bit offputting for me. Also the close cropping is a little offputting on the second and third avatars.

#6 - Same reasons as before.


#6 - Same as before

#2 - I feel that all the icons are overcrowded by textures. I think that the colouring on the first is a bit too yellow, and the third lacks much colour at all, which may have been to emphasise her story from joy to tears, but IMO I'm not a fan of dulled down colouring. The choice of glowing text doesn't really work on any of the avatars either, unable to stand out, which would have been nicer on the, especially on the third, where it is barely readable.


5 and 6. 6 same as before. 5 because of the text. I don't like the choice of font, I don't think it works on the icons. For example even though I think the third one is an awesome icon and the first one has great cropping they are spoilt by the text. With better text though they could be fantastic.


#2 The pictures do not really flow into a story therefore I do not understand the story otherwise there is nice crpping and colouring however I do not like the ripped paper brush.

#6 This set of icons has nice cropping and a good story but is lacking colouring. I can't actually see any colouring and if there is I think next time the colouring should be a bit more vibrant. Some flowing text would look nice eg. on these icons on the first one you could have written Seth then on the next one Summer and on the last one Seth and Summer or something like that.

Both overall nice icons and they were very hard to decide apon. Good Luck


Good that someone's taking care of letting me know! :D

Set number 2 and 6 has been eliminated.

Next voting session ends on.... *ponders*, Christmas taken into consideration - Monday at noon (GMT).

So, please vote for the set of icon you like the least. The remaining two sets are to be voted over in the finale next week.


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