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Peter Baker Before The Bay!

Guest Lilone

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“I didn’t think you would come,” replied the person standing in front of a very shocked Peter

“I didn’t even realise that it was you on the phone” said a very confused Peter.

“Well it has been 12 years,” replied the other person.

“I just don’t under stand Christy why do you want to see me after all this time” asked Peter

“I have something to tell you,” replied Christy

Peter looked confused as he saw his ex girlfriend from when he was 15 reaching in her pocket and pulling out a photo of a young boy.

“Who is this?” asked a confused Peter.

“It’s Drew well Andrew, he is your son!” said Christy.

“What” asked a very muddled up Peter?

“When me and you were dating, I found out I was pregnant with your child. My parents found out and they took me away from you and demanded I have an abortion but I wanted to keep the baby. They said if I was to have the baby I would have to move away from you, so that’s why when you came back off the Summer Camp I was gone.” Explained Christy.

Peter was just staring at the boy who is meant to be his son.

“Why didn’t you tell me sooner” asked Peter

“I don’t now,” replied Christy.

“So why are you telling me now” asked Pete.

“Because I think it’s about time Drew met his dad”

“You can’t just ring me up after 12 years then tell me I have a son then want me to meet him straight away” said Peter who didn’t know what to do.

“I just thought that…”

“Yes you thought you would tell me then I would be ecstatic with the news that I have a son that is what 12 years old, I am ecstatic that I have a son but I need time to get my head around this” said Peter

Christy handed Peter her mobile number before Peter walked off towards his car.

Peter rang Dan’s mobile.

“Hey Pete where are you” asked Dan.

“On my way to the house now” replied Peter.

Peter arrived at his parent’s house to find Dan, Kevin and Ryan playing outside in the garden.

Kevin saw peter driving towards him then headed straight inside to avoid him.

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Peter wound down his window and shouted to Dan “Mate I am going to find a room for tonight”

“Why when you can just stay here,” replied Dan.

“What with no parents talking to me, my dad can’t even look at me and well my mum just watches me from her bedroom window” said Pete as he looked at his mum.

Peter started his car and drove to the same hotel that he stayed in 5 years ago when his mum and dad threw him out.

Peter arrived at the hotel and there was a knock on the door,

Dan entered the room and said “mate this is ridicules,

You just need to sit down and talk”

“Mate look just leave it will you” Peter said angrily.

“Are you ok” asked Dan.

“I’m fine!!!” replied Peter.

Dan just sat watching a very unusual Peter. He just didn’t seem the same, as he was before all nervous and upset.

Peter went into the bathroom and looked at the picture of Drew then pulled out Christy mobile number before saving her number in his phone.

Dan knocked on the bathroom door and said “mate I am going to collect Ryan then take him to the park, I will ring you later”

Peter heard Dan left before walking out of the bathroom and lye on his bed.

Peter dialled Christy’s number and said

“It’s Peter, I want to see Drew”

“Ok meet me in the same spot as earlier in 30 minutes”

Pete hung up the phone and just kept looking at the photo of drew; he couldn’t believe that he had a son.

Peter was pacing up and down his room thinking about how drew will act being around him after 12 years of not knowing him.

Peter grabbed his keys before going to his car, he arrived to see Christy sitting alone.

“Where is he?” asked Peter.

“He will be here soon,” replied Christy.

Peter kept rubbing his hands he was really nervous.

“It will be ok,” said Christy.

Pete looked up to see a young lad walking towards them, “Drew,” said Peter.

Drew just looked at Pete and said, “I’m here like you asked me”

Pete started to relax, as he knew Drew was just acting like he did when he was 12.

“Drew this is Peter, your dad” said Christy

“You’re a cop right” asked Drew as he sat next to his dad.

“Yep, I am starting in the city next month as detective” replied Peter.

They both went silent when drew blurted out “look I don’t want to know you, I only came here to see what sort of a jerk you are”

Peter didn’t know how to answer drew so he said calmly “mate look I have only known about you since this morning but if you don’t want to get to know me that’s fine but as long as you know I am always here for you”

Drew just looked at his dad before walking over to Christy’s car.


“I will talk to him,” said Christy before walking towards Drew.

2 weeks later

Peter was still determined to get to know Drew but they decided to head back to L.A.

Peter hasn’t told anyone about Drew being his son

Dan started to notice that Amanda was very distant with him since he returned from his parents.

“Pete you want to go have a drink later” asked Dan as he read the paper.

“Sure” replied Pete as he got up of the sofa and started making Ryan’s food.

Amanda entered with Ryan and said “is this all you are going to do all day?” shouted Amanda as she looked at Dan reading the newspaper.

Pete was surprised at how different Amanda was acting towards his brother since they arrived in L.A but he just let her get on with it even though he wanted to stick up for his brother.

Later that night.

Pete walked out of his bedroom with just his boxers on, Amanda noticed Pete walking towards the kitchen so she started making conversation so she could look more at his sexy body.

“So where are you and Dan going tonight?” asked Amanda

“I think just into the night club down the road, I need a good night out” laughed Pete.

“Are you going to be ok” asked Pete as he reached up for a cup on the top shelf.

Pete looked at Amanda who was just staring at his tattoo under his right arm.

“My tattoo” laughed Pete.

“Yeah it’s interesting” replied Amanda

“I had it done when me and Claire was together, she even had a tattoo. A heart shaped with Pete and Claire in the middle on her back,” explained Peter.

“That’s so sweet I wish Dan was fun and exciting like that, with Dan it’s just the same thing every day but that must be why I love him.” Amanda said with an unsure expression on her face.

“But obviously with Claire we meant nothing else I would still be with her, I really did love her” said Pete trying to hold back the tears.

Pete avoiding any more questions from Amanda by saying “well I better get read” he then headed to his room to get changed for when Dan gets back.


Dan arrived back with Ryan from the shops where he greeted Amanda with a big kiss, “get a room” laughed Pete as he walked out of his room to catch them passionately kissing.

Amanda pulled away straight the way and put Ryan to sleep in their bedroom.

“Just got to go change my shirt” said Dan as he entered the bedroom.

“Sorry about that” said Amanda.

“Don’t worry I was only joking it’s your hotel room I’m only a guest” replied Peter.

“Yes I know but you are missing Claire” said Amanda trying to get Pete to open up to her.

“Dan are you ready?” shouted Peter trying to avoid saying more to Amanda.

Dan walked towards the front door and they left the hotel to go to the nightclub.

“So when do you have to go back to work” asked Dan.

“Murphy rang me yesterday I have an extra three weeks off, so I am going to stay in L.A for another month” explained Peter.

“Mate that’s great” replied a very excited Dan.

They entered the nightclub and Dan brought Peter a drink.

2 hours later.

“You fancy going to a casino” asked Dan.

“Sure why not” replied Peter as he finished his drinks before heading to the casino next door.

Peter has lost about 40 dollars on the machines but Dan was fascinated it was his first time and he was winning. So far he won $4000.

“Mate I think we better be getting back” said Peter.

“Yeah ok, hold on,” replied Dan

Dan ended up winning $4600 but Peter was getting worried because he nearly had to drag Dan away from the tables.

Dan and Peter went for a late drink in a bar across the road when Peter was getting eyed up by a woman sitting across the way from him, Peter didn’t hesitate he went straight up to her and said “excuse me can buy you a drink?”

“Yeah ok, a vodka and coke” replied Kellie.

Peter went to ask Dan if he wanted a drink but he had vanished, Peter looked around but he was gone.

He decided that he was going to finish his drink with Kellie then look for Dan.

“So where in L.A you from?” asked Kellie

“I’m not from L.A I’m from NSW” replied Peter.

They were talking for about 1 hour then Peter decided to leave.

Peter walked Kellie back to her hotel and kissed her on the cheek before walking back to Amanda and Dan’s hotel to see if Dan was back.

Peter went up in the lift to get to the room when he stumbled across the hallway grabbing everything he could to keep himself standing.

He finally arrived outside the hotel room when he only just managed to put the key in the door and open the door.

As he entered the room he tripped over one of Ryan’s toys, then fell straight on his face.

Amanda opened her bedroom door and started laughing at a very drunk Peter who was on the floor.

“Well I gather you have had a lot to drink,” laughed Amanda as she helped Peter up.

“thankssss” Peter said as he fell into Amanda’s arms.

Amanda managed to carry Peter to the sofa.

Amanda thought this would be the best time to ask about Claire.

Amanda handed Pete a cup of coffee but he pushed it away, “give us another beer”

“No have this,” replied Amanda handing him the coffee.

Peter was not going to take the coffee so Amanda put the coffee on the side and sat next to Peter, Peter then slowly pulled himself up and took a beer from the fridge.

He slowly walked back to the sofa with his beer and said “is Dan here”

“No I thought he was with you,” replied Amanda.

“No I lost him earlier, when I met Kellie” laughed Peter as he drank his beer.

“He will make his way back,” said Amanda.

“Pete what actually happened with you and Claire?”

“Me and Claire well I love her Manda I really did, I love well loved her” said Pete as he mumbled at every word he said.

“There is always a chance to get back with her” replied Amanda

“No it’s over well I have other things to concentrate on now,” said Peter.

“What do you mean?” asked Amanda.

“It doesn’t matter,” replied Peter.

Pete began to fell asleep but Amanda put her had on his cheek and said “what do you mean”

“I have a son, Drew he is 12” said Peter.

Amanda kept staring into Peter’s eyes and said, “When did you find out?”

“when I went back home last” replied Peter

Peter kept looking into Amanda’s eyes before moving in for a kiss, they started to kiss passionately and Amanda began to undo his shirt until Peter quickly pulled away and said “I can’t” before running into the bedroom and locking the door.


Long chapter


The next day..

Peter walked out from the bathroom with a towel round him, Dan walked out of the bedroom and Peter said “What happened to you last night”.

“Nothing, I lost you so I thought I would buy Amanda a present with my $6000 winnings”

Peter looked confused and said “I thought it was $4600”

“No mate $6000, you must have been that drunk you forgot the rest I won” replied Dan hoping Peter wouldn’t work out that he returned to the casino later that night.

Amanda walked threw the door and said “Hi” and she started to cook dinner, Dan was all over Amanda but Pete could see that Amanda didn’t want Dan touching her, Dan was oblivious to all this.

Amanda kept looking over at Peter, “Dan will you feed Ryan for me?”

“Sure babe” replied Dan as he went over to feed Ryan.

Peter walked into his bedroom trying to avoid her,

Dan walked out the bedroom and said “just popping out to go to the shop”

Dan left and Amanda went straight into Peter’s room.



“You go first,” said Amanda.

“Last night did we, you know” asked Pete.

“What no nothing happened but you told me about Drew” said Amanda.

“Amanda you have to promise me that you will not tell anyone not even Dan” said Peter hoping she will keep it a secret.

“You have my word,” replied Amanda.

“I better get a drink” said Peter as he walked passed Amanda into the kitchen.

2 days later.

Peter was asleep in bed when he heard Amanda shouting at Dan so he got up from his bed then walked to where they were arguing.

“What’s going on?” asked a very confused Peter

“Why don’t you ask your gambling addict of a brother?” shouted Amanda as she fled the hotel room.

“Dan?” asked Peter

“I’m such an idiot,” replied Dan as he punched the wall.

Peter grabbed his shirt and put it on then raced after Amanda.

“Amanda, wait,” shouted Peter.

Amanda turned around and said, “I can’t believe him, how could he do this” shouted Amanda as she stopped and waiting for Peter to catch up with her.

“What’s he done?” asked Peter.

“Well you know how we told you that I was doing great in my career and job well it was a load of lies, I have been dropped by my agent have no job and we have 1 week to leave the hotel. I have no money. Then he goes out to the casino and gets in debt by $12,000” explained Amanda.

“It will be ok” Peter said as he hugged Amanda.

“I’m sorry Pete but I don’t love him no more, I have been feeling like this for a while. I thought it could work but I it isn’t working”

“I think you should be telling Dan this not me” replied Peter.

Amanda walked back to the room and told Dan that she wanted him out the room by today and she doesn’t love him.

Dan walked towards Peter and said, “I just can’t believe it” as Peter comforted his brother with a hug.

“I better find somewhere to stay,” said Dan as they walked down towards the lift.

Amanda shouted “I don’t want to see you until you are sorted”

Dan began to cry as he walked towards the lift.

“How am I going to pay the bookie back” said Dan.

Peter quickly said, “I have the money, I can lend it you”

2 days later.

Dan had paid the bookie back and decided he wanted to talk to Amanda, he went to the hotel room a but Amanda told he to go away.

Dan then returned to Peter and said, “Can you go and tell her that I have paid the debt and I love her”

Peter didn’t really want to but n the end he did

“Mate I am going to meet a old work colleague tonight but I will ring you with what she say’s” said Pete as he left to go to Amanda’s.

Peter arrived at Amanda’s and she let him inn.

They had a few drinks when Peter said, “I came round for a reason”

“What’s that?” asked Amanda.

“Dan sent me round. He has paid his debt and he wants you back”

“Pete it’s over” replied Amanda who moved closer to Peter.

“I think I better go” said Peter.

Peter left the hotel room and rang Dan and told him what Amanda said.

Peter then put the phone down on a gutted Dan.

Peter was walking away from the room when he remembered that he left his jacket in the room.

Peter walked in to find Amanda sitting holding his Jacket, “forgot this have you” said Amanda.

“Thank you” said Peter as he reached for his jacket.

Peter went to go out the door again and Amanda followed. Just as he opened the door Amanda grabbed his arm and pulled him round so he was facing her.

Peter looked at Amanda then suddenly started to kiss her passionately on her lips and undoing her blouse as Amanda unzipped his trousers, they were both stripped down to their underwear when Amanda held Peters hand and headed for the bedroom.

4 hours later….

Pete suddenly woke up when he felt Amanda kissing his neck; he started to kiss her back when she said “you’re the one I have always wanted”

Pete was shocked but she was so good in bed he just kept kissing her not even thinking about Dan.

They were both really exhausted; they just fell asleep cuddling each other.

The next morning….

Dan is awake in the hotel that Peter is renting when Dan starts to wonder where Pete has got to so he tries his mobile phone but there is no answer…

Dan decides to go and see Amanda to sort things out, he arrives at the hotel and starts to walk to the room/

Amanda wakes up and faces Pete, she can’t believe how good he is in bed, he knows how too woo a women in bed she thought.

Pete woke up with Amanda on top of him wanting more, Pete started to feel Amanda up and down when he eventually ended up on top of her but stopped kissing her because he wanted a drink.

He walked out to the kitchen but heard Dan talking to the cleaner out side the room, he rushes into the bedroom and say’s “It’s Dan he is here!!” Peter said trying to collect all his clothes but they were near the front door, Amanda pushed Pete into the wardrobe so Dan couldn’t see him.

Dan took out his keys and opened the door; Amanda managed to pick up Peter’s shoes and trousers but she couldn’t find his t-shirt.

“Babe I’m really sorry,” said Dan as he tried to get back with her.

Amanda was really jumpy and wanted to get rid of Dan so she said “look I just want you to go now, leave me for a couple of more days”

Dan agreed to leave but just as he was leaving her heard a big bang in the bedroom then saw a light blue stylish shirt which was not his, so he ran into the bedroom to find Peter on the floor with nothing on except Amanda’s teddy covering his bits.


Dan couldn’t believe Pete would it, he ran over to Peter and starting laying into him punching him and kicking him. Dan couldn’t believe Pete would it, he ran over to Peter and starting laying into him punching him and kicking him. Pete couldn’t do anything but he managed to grab Dan’s fist from hitting him again.

Amanda dragged Dan off Peter who was bleeding everywhere.

Dan pushed Amanda off him then walked straight out of the room.

“Pete are you ok?” asked Amanda as she tried to stop Peter’s lip and nose from bleeding.

Pete held on to his ribs as he picked himself up of the floor and onto the bed.

“You need to see a doctor” said Amanda as she tried to comfort Peter.

“Just get off me” peter shouted as he stumbled away from Amanda and left the room to go after Dan.

Peter just managed to get into his car and drive to the hotel he and Dan are staying inn.

Peter arrived to find Dan packing his bags, “Dan please stop” shouted Peter as he fell on to the bed.

“I thought I could trust you,” shouted Dan as he carried on putting clothes in his bags.

“Dan stop please let me explain,” shouted Peter as he held his ribs.

“No you seduced Amanda, I loved her” shouted Dan as he picked up his bags.

“DAN!!!!” Peter shouted but he couldn’t stop Dan from leaving.

Next day

Peter cleaned up his cuts and decided to go back home to find Dan.

Peter arrived in Molumby airport where he drove straight round to his parent’s house; he walked straight up to the door and entered the house to find Dan sitting with their mum and dad.

“You have a nerve showing your face” Kevin shouted to a very badly bruised Peter.

“I want to talk to Dan alone” Peter demanded.

“I don’t want to hear anything you have to say” Dan said as he walked towards his brother.

“You heard him, just leave,” said Noelene

“I’m not going any where until…”

“Until what… you sleep with his wife again” shouted Kevin as he grabbed Peter and pushed him out of the door.

Peter walked away from the house and drove to the nearest bar.

As Peter walked into the bar he saw a familiar face standing besides him “detective peter Baker” said Claire as she gave him a drink.

Peter was shocked to see Claire; he didn’t know how to react, as she was the one who made their relationship end.

Claire was being like her normal self around Pete.

All of a sudden Pete said “look Claire this is all weird for me, I just leave you and you are being nice. Too much has happened” as he ran out of the bar.


Peter arrived in the city it has been 4 weeks since he slept with Amanda and Dan beat him up, he decided that the best thing was to leave Dan alone and get on with his work.

Peter arrived at the station to start his first day at work where Tracey Thompson greeted him who he briefly met at the other station.

Tracey showed Peter to his office where he started to make himself comfortable by putting a picture on his desk of Ryan, Dan and himself, he knew that starting this job would be a total fresh start for himself.

Next day

Peter arrived at the same time as yesterday when he saw Tracey collecting her belongings from her office.

“Where you going” asked Peter.

“My transfer has came through to Mangrove River” explained Tracey.

Peter was a bit upset about Tracey leaving, “well it was nice to work with you even if it was for a day” said Peter as he kissed Tracey on the cheek then watched her leave the station.

As Peter was looking threw files about a Denise Gillan there was a knock on his office door,

Peter looked up to see Claire standing their looking v at him. “Claire” Peter said as he looked confused why Claire was here.

“Don’t look so worried” Claire said as she sat on the chair in front of Peter.

“I guess you want to know why I am here?” asked Claire.

“Yes that would be a good start” replied a very worried and confused Peter as the more he looked at her the more he just wanted to kiss her.

“I have been sent here to help you to catch the mafia family, Denise Gillan”

“Ok well start looking through these files,” said Peter

3 weeks later,

Peter and Claire have been trying to find Denise Gillian but he seems to have just disappeared.

Peter was sitting in his office when his mobile began to ring.

“Peter Baker, it’s Detective Shaw, We have just spotted Denise in the city, we was going to take him in for questioning but Tracey Thompson told us that you and Detective Brody were working on the case. We will Transport him to your station immediately” explained Lewis Shaw.

“Thanks Lewis” replied Peter as he shouted Claire into the office.

Two hours later

Denise Gillan arrived at the station being escorted by two officers, “Well we caught you” said Peter as he was handed Denise.

Peter, Denise and Claire entered the interview room where Denise was sat at the table with Peter and Claire in front of him.

“One question, why did you do it” asked Peter.

Denise just starred angrily into Peter’s eyes,

“Why kill someone then walk back to where you killed them,” asked Claire.

“Look mate we have all day” said Peter as he crossed his arms.

Peter and Claire were just waiting for Denise Gillan to explain his reasons but he just sat silently.

Peter sat up from leaning back on his chair and said “Well looks like you will learn how to stay quiet when you are inside!”

Denise quickly swung his hands with his handcuffs on and smacked Peter in the face.

Two guards ran over and dragged Denise away from Peter.

Peter looked up at Denise holding his nose, which was dripping with blood.

As Denise was being dragged away he shouted

“This is not over, it’s just the start detective”

Claire gave Peter some tissue and held his head back to stop the bleeding.

Peter stood up and walked into his office,

“You need to go to he hospital,” said Claire.

“I will be ok,” replied Peter as he closed the file for Denise Gillan

3 days later.

“You want to go for a drink” asked Peter

“Sure I will just grab my coat,” replied Claire.


Peter and Claire left the station and headed towards a bar near the station.

As they were walking towards the bar Peter spotted Drew standing across the road looking at him.

“Drew” Peter shouted as he saw Drew walking away.

Peter ran across the road and headed towards Drew, Clair was confused but followed Peter.

Drew finally stopped where Peter caught up with him, “Mate why was you watching me?” asked Peter.

“Pete what’s wrong” asked Claire as she stood besides him.

“Claire meet Drew, my son!” replied Peter.

“Hiya” Drew said as he smiled at Claire.

Claire just looked stunned at Peter as she tried to sink in the news that Peter was a dad.

“Mate did you want me?” asked Peter.

“No it’s ok you have got plans” replied Drew.

“We was just about to get a drink from he bar, you want to join us” asked Peter.

“Not really” replied Drew.

“Mate look you must of wanted me else you wouldn’t of followed me” said Peter.

“Pete I will meet you later” said Claire as she left Drew and Pete alone.

Peter started to walk towards the park across the road when he sat on a bench, Drew then followed him.

“Look dad I was following you because I hate living at home”

  • 2 weeks later...

Peter put his hands on his son’s shoulder and said “mate I have a busy work schedule,”

“Look if its too much for you too look after your son” then I’ll just go away” shouted Drew as he didn’t let Peter finish what he was saying.

Drew was about to walk away from Peter but he grabbed his son’s arm and said “mate, I want you to stay with me if that is what you want?” asked Peter

“No it’s not what I want but I have no where else”

Replied Drew but deep down he truly does want to get to know his dad, he was quite proud of the fact he was a cop especially a detective.

“So are we going yet?” asked Drew.

“Yeah ok but I have got to ring Claire first to tell her I can’t make it tonight” replied Peter

“Yes you can make it, I will come with you if you want, she is really fit” laughed Drew.

“Yeah really fit” said Peter with a slight grin on his face.

“So where about is your place?” asked Drew.

“Not far from here” replied Peter as he and Drew entered the bar.

Peter walked up and kissed Claire on the cheek and said, “what are you drinking?”

“Just a juice, I’m driving.” Replied Claire as Drew sat in front of her.


Peter handed Claire and Dew their juices.

“You seem very mature for your age” said Claire

“Like his dad aye” laughed Peter as he glazed into Claire’s eyes.

“So Drew when’s your birthday” asked Claire.

“in two weeks time” replied Drew looking at Peter.

“Little Drew is growing up,” laughed Peter.

“Yeah I have had to with no Dad around” commented Drew hoping to get a reaction from Peter but he and Claire just stayed silent until Claire said “I think I better be going, early start in the morning”

Claire, Peter ad Drew headed out of the bar and walked to the cars.

As they were walking towards Claire’s car Peter noticed from a distance that Claire’s car door was open and someone was leaning in the car

“OI” Peter shouted as he ran further towards the car, the person looked at Peter running towards them and took of down the road, Peter chased after him.

Peter was ran as fast as he can until he was really close to the person who he was following then he lunged on to their back bringing them to the ground.

Claire caught up with Peter and the young boy who was in her car.

Peter pulled the young boy off the ground and said “looks like we are taking a trip to the station mate”

The young boy just starred at Claire while Drew was amazed by how good his dad is at his job.

As they entered the station Peter saw Tracey waiting by his office door.

Peter asked the young lad his name; he told Peter that his name was Ric Dalby.

“Mate you want to go and get a drink while I sort a few things out?” Peter asked Drew.

“Sure” replied Drew as he went into the other room to make himself a juice.

Peter walked over to Tracey as they both entered the office.


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