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The Happy Thread!


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I'm poorly.

Okay, sounds like a stupid thing to be happy about, but i means I'm off school. :) I'm never poorly, well, poorly enough to be off school. So today I'm going to have a nice lazy day - whilst revising of course.

The only downside to this is that even though I'm feeling completely fine now, I very much doubt I will be later. I'm physically poorly.... but I feel fine. Unfortunately my Dad had what I have a few days ago, and it was hell. He just laid in bed and looked dead, then he raced to the bathroom.

Not quite looking forward to that part, but this part is fine! I just get to stay at home and relax, with frequent trips to the bathroom. :P

But this does also mean that the Chemistry coursework I sat and completed last night will not be handed in until Monday. That's a tad annoying after I worked so damn much to get it ready for today... Oh well! No school! :D

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I just had my eyebrows shaped, as in waxed. Went in to book an appointment but ended up getting them done today. First time I've had them shaped before and it really did rock.


I'm happy because I've finally quit smoking! :)

I've been smoking anything from 20 to 40 a day since I was in my late teens, and tried to give up numerous times, using NRT, stop-smoking books, etc. It never worked.

I decided to see a hypnotist a few weeks ago, but failed to stop after the session. By then I was pretty damned miserable and thought I would always be a smoker. I telephoned the hypnostist and told him how I was feeling, and he asked me to come back for another try (using a slightly different approach). No extra money involved - in fact, he operates an 'only pay when you stop' policy.

Anyway, my second appointment was yesterday, and this time it worked - in fact, I haven't smoked since Wednesday but the hypnosis has made sure I'm not tempted to have a cigarette now - and effective ways to handle any cravings (which have been few).

So, I'm looking forward to a life as a happy non-smoker - with more money in my pocket, better short-term and long-term health prospects, smelling nicer, and no longer being CONTROLLED by the weed!

No longer am I slowly killing myself and paying through the nose for that privilege! :P


That's great, Si! It's such a hard thing to give up, you should be so proud! :D

Just out of interest, how much do the smokes cost in the UK? They are €7.20 over here. :P


A pack of 20 costs anything between about £4.50 and £5.50 here, depending on the brand - most people spend over a fiver on a packet of cigs.

I used to smoke at least 30 a day (usually more), so I'm saving well over £200 a month, and almost £3000 a year! It's scary how much I used to spend on those things!


I'm on top of the world, because I really believe I've done it this time! I'm hardly getting any cravings, and even when I do get that uncomfortable, uneasy feeling I would normally interpret as 'I need a cigarette', I am aware that having a cigarette is not the solution.

The hypnotist explained it all to me - and as far as I understand it, my subconscious mind would normally instruct me to end the craving by the easiest, quickest way possible - by having a cigarette.

Now he has managed to instruct my subconsious not to tell me to do that, but to allow me to look at the bigger picture and see the cigarette as what caused the craving, not what will take it away.

Which is basically true - you don't get a hangover from not drinking, so having another drink will ultimately lead to a bigger, longer-term hangover. Same with the cigarettes - get the nicotine out of my system completely and ALL cravings will stop.

Hope that makes sense! Basically, having a cigarette would be hitting the 'reset' button for the cravings, not the 'off' button.


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