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Jack Holden a.k.a Paul O'Brien

Guest ~Angel~

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:o You only posted that message this morning and this thread is already at the bottom of the page! :angry:

I'm really looking forward to the video interview. I hope it's almost ready or I'll have to wait for 2 weeks before I get to see it! :(

I loved Jack in the episode which aired in Belgium today. He found out Ash lied to Martha again and he was so angry. I love Jack when he's so protective of Martha! :wub:

I know that happened a very long time ago in Australia and the UK but I only saw that episode today! :P

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Jack was so cute tonight. He bought little footy boots. :wub: He's so excited about being a daddy. I don't know if I'm going to be able to watch tomorrow night without crying. He's going to be so upset when he finds out.

Talk about cute about the footy boots alright! aw it was so cute.

I just cant wait for Jack to knock Roman out :P

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^^ Of course Jack will win :P, I don't reckon Roman would hit him back, Roman and Martha have both been lying to Jack so he has a reason to go smack him over!! Hopefully he hits him good too! He really needs to get his head into gear! :lol:

Anyhoo Charlie and Martha, Hmm yes that would be good, BUT there's no way Martha would do that over this.. (Well actually I dunno) haha. You never know with Martha do you? But I love her haha.

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