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What if...?

Guest Nathan

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The Stalker storyline is being hailed as one of the best storylines ever to grace Home and Away, and in some ways I agree. But what many people do NOT know is that Dani was initially the stalker's main target, instead of Sally. Of course, Tammin Sursok quit the show to begin her (short-lasting) music career, and the writers had to change where the storyline was heading. So, how do you think things would have turned out if Dani never left? What different things do you think would've happened instead?

And please, don't say things to put-down the character of Dani... I want real opinions and ideas of what may have happened, not things like "She would have bitched and moaned and everyone would've died!" Cool? Fire away...

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Well Dani left a few weeks before the actual Stalker storyline (Zoe) continued. Dani was one of Sarah's targets. Zoe's targets were whoever were still in the bay that was at the seige. If Dani was still there I don't think anything would even happen really. Dani wasn't there the night of the seige she was tied up.

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*Trying to remember that far back...*

We're talking about after Sarah has died and killed Noah, we assume that Dani is still there, and THEN Zoe comes in, yes?


Um... Well first of all, Dani and Scott wouldn't have broken up. They would have either remained or become engaged (can't remember which) and I assume that Leah and Dan would not for a while, just to keep things paced out a bit. I therefore think that it would have been Dani and Scott's engagement present that turned into the joy-flight of death. I don't think that Tasha would have been there. Hayley would have been, and perhaps Dani would have been the one trying to set her up with Kim. So that storyline still would have played out.

However, there would be no paternity-gate as Scott would not have become involved with Hayley, nor would Zoe become involved with Kim. Perhaps Kim and Hayley would have remained in love and had baby Noah as (accidentally) planned, and everything would have worked out for the best. Ella Scott-lynch could still be around...

I'd say that Scott and Dani would have gotten married, perhaps while bridesmaid Hayley was pregnant, adding to the drama when Zoe planted a bomb at their wedding. In the chaos, no one can find Scott. Where is he?? Kidnapped by Zoe of course. It's only fair. Dani takes Sarah away, so she takes Scott away. Makes sense.

Where the story goes from here, I cannot say. Though I admit it would be awfully satisfying if Dani made some heroic attempt to save scott, and was gunned down in the process. Harsh but fair.

I suppose there would have been other acts of terror and violence in the lead up to all this, but it's difficult to speculate on specifics.

Wow. I never thought that even a small part of me would want to have Dani back... No. It's not happening. I actually prefer all the dodgey drawn-out storylines that make no sense :P

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