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Poor Jack! I feel so sorry for him...

Richard really really annoys me, he makes me so angry inside, I just want to hit him. Haha Tasha I'll start calling him Dick aswell :P

That was such a shock when Henry showed up, I was not expecting that.

Update soon Nicole :) Great chapter.

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Aww that was the sweetest, Jack is so tender :wub: As i was reading the part with them dancing, take that came on on my ipod and i started swaying too. kinda ironic as well; "A million love songs later, and here i am trying to tell you, that i care..." i just thought that it was the perfect song for Jack to tell martha his feelings lol!

Right now i'm thanking Henry for requesting their dance, 'cause otherwise they wouldn't have, and now Martha realises what she wants. All we have to do now is to get Richard to fall for Jack so that Henry goes after him too he he he :lol:


  bay girl said:
Go9d, i hate Richard and Eamon. They are so selfish. They don't give a crap about Martha; all they care about is themselves. Jerks. They deserve to rot. They aren't good enough for Martha.

Jack is a total sweetie. And LMAO off at the start of the chapter when he was paying out the jerks.

^ My feelings exactly - how can they be so mean to her?! What she's doing for them, is so that they can be together... (right?), so why are they denying her Jack. :(

Please update as soon as you possibly can.


Wow Nicole that was amazing!

The whole dancing scene was so sweet :wub: Pitty they didnt kiss hehe

Excellent writing yet again

I really hate Richard! Why does he have to be such an arse! :P

And Henrys defo here now, hes going to torment Jack and hes going to go after Martha! Oh my god this cant be happening! Run JnM. Run! Save yourselves!

Great chapter, looking forward to the next one :)


I blame Richard! Eamon can do no wrong.

I think Richard hypnotized Eamon. Nasty Richard! Eamon is too good for him.

May be it could be Richard and Jack ( :wub: ) because they seem to have good chemistry and get along like a house on fire :P

Henry!!!! lol go on Jack, tackle him.

Great writing Nic :)

Posted (edited)


1st day back - got a 50 minute after school detention!

That's brilliance. I've even impressed myself there. lol

This is my third after school detention ever; and my third in Year 11. Humm... I must have turned rebellious as I aged. :P

1st day back - managed to get 'the evil eye' off my chemistry teacher; by mocking her! Yes, the same teacher who gave me the detention... Maybe it wasn't a wise choice Nicole...

I also got 'the evil eye' from her at the start of the lesson, for making my drink go "plop" when she first began talking. She actually stopped talking and stared down at me. She was acting as if I'd done it on purpose.... I have got better things to do than play with my stupid water bottle. (Like mocking her.. :P)

1st day back - Had a battle of words between my form tutor when he caught me doing English homework in registration. I of course won... and whopped his ass. It was a great moment... :P


(note the sarcasm)

So really, I should be doing something good with my time like coursework or the homework I completely forgot about; but instead I'm going to update for you guys, seen as though the teachers don't deserve my effort. :)

Hopefully I'll post a chapter up later tonight. :)

Edited by Nicom

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