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^ Couldn't agree more, it was so brief, and so much had happened, almost a a let down, let me emphisise (sp?) the almost.


  Luc said:
A good example for a prolouge would be in Vanity Fair by William Thackeray. it descibes the setting, but isn't directly linked to the next chapter. An example of an epilouge would be in the final Harry Potter book, I don't want to give anything away for those who haven't read it, but it basically finishes the story by describing events that have taken place in between the past 19 years, and ties off everything gracefully.

I was thinking about that one too, but then I though "Hm, the first chapter in the fourth book is a better, less obvious example!" :P *stupid Eli*


An epilogue doesn't ALWAYS have to be used just to tie up the loose ends of a story. It can also be used as a way to round off a story and leave the reader with the awwww factor :wub: by showing a glimpse of the future. For instance, your story has just ended with Jack and Martha getting married (or, in emmasi's case, Robbie and Kim getting together :P ) and nothing has been left unaccounted for. The epilogue could show the couple on holiday, walking hand in hand through the pouring rain in England's Lake District but not caring that it's raining, or sitting together in St Mark's Square in Venice watching the world go by and guessing about the people. :)


  I love music said:
For instance, your story has just ended with Jack and Martha getting married (or, in emmasi's case, Robbie and Kim getting together :P )

Hey, that's not always how my fics end. One ended with Robbie and Kim deciding to have a baby...


  emmasi said:
  I love music said:
For instance, your story has just ended with Jack and Martha getting married (or, in emmasi's case, Robbie and Kim getting together :P )

Hey, that's not always how my fics end. One ended with Robbie and Kim deciding to have a baby...

And if you haven't noticed usually her fics start with them together as well.


  emmasi said:
  I love music said:
For instance, your story has just ended with Jack and Martha getting married (or, in emmasi's case, Robbie and Kim getting together :P )

Hey, that's not always how my fics end. One ended with Robbie and Kim deciding to have a baby...


  perryadams said:
  emmasi said:
  I love music said:
For instance, your story has just ended with Jack and Martha getting married (or, in emmasi's case, Robbie and Kim getting together :P )

Hey, that's not always how my fics end. One ended with Robbie and Kim deciding to have a baby...

And if you haven't noticed usually her fics start with them together as well.

I think you were joking :unsure: but just in case you weren’t I’ll reiterate. The above ideas were just examples. For instance, let’s take emmasi’s fic about Robbie and Kim having ended by them deciding to have a baby. This could be the epilogue:


One Year Later

“Ready, steady...go!” Robbie chanted and, laughing, hand in hand the three raced down towards the sea for the seventh or eight time.

“Huuup!” Kim grinned as yet again they lifted their small son over another gentle foamy wave and two-year-old Billy squealed in delight as the cold blue water touched his toes.

“More! More! More!” He demanded, kicking and splashing.

“Gimme a minute, mate!” Kim panted in amusement.

“Aw, he’s just old!” Robbie said, scooping a handful of water and throwing it over Kim, making Billy giggle.

Kim caught his breath at last and immediately splashed Robbie back while Billy kicked for all he was worth, thoroughly soaking them all. He knew his two Dads wouldn’t mind. They always had heaps of fun together. Other kids in the kindy only had one Mum or one Dad. Some had one of each. But Billy was special. He had two Dads.

Robbie grinned at Kim over their little boy’s head as they all turned back again ready for another mad race to the shore. Having a kid was more exhausting than either of them had ever dreamt but also the most rewarding. The moment they heard they’d been allocated a child had been the most special of their lives. The little boy they had adopted had blond curly hair and eyes as blue as the sea itself and strangers often mistook Robbie or Kim for his biological father.

“You ever regret anything?” Robbie asked pensively, wiping a splash from his ever-present glasses and thinking back over all they’d been through.

“Not for a second. We were meant to be,” Kim declared firmly as two seagulls, their silver wings glinting in the golden sunlight, circled overhead and once more the little family of three ran down to the sparkling water.

See, although an epilogue is usually used to tie up loose ends, in this case the epilogue doesn’t take the story any further forward, it’s simply a glimpse of the future and a nice image to leave readers with. Hope that helps anyone who wasn’t sure. :)


  I love music said:
  emmasi said:
  I love music said:
For instance, your story has just ended with Jack and Martha getting married (or, in emmasi's case, Robbie and Kim getting together :P )

Hey, that's not always how my fics end. One ended with Robbie and Kim deciding to have a baby...


  perryadams said:
  emmasi said:
  I love music said:
For instance, your story has just ended with Jack and Martha getting married (or, in emmasi's case, Robbie and Kim getting together :P )

Hey, that's not always how my fics end. One ended with Robbie and Kim deciding to have a baby...

And if you haven't noticed usually her fics start with them together as well.

I think you were joking :unsure: but just in case you weren’t I’ll reiterate. The above ideas were just examples. For instance, let’s take emmasi’s fic about Robbie and Kim having ended by them deciding to have a baby. This could be the

Well if you increase the size and bold the text my jokingly tone I had inteded disappears... Maybe next time I'll clarify with smilies, everyone loves smilies.. :PAnd then I'll change the colour to Rainbow... Everyone loves rainbows (Except certain H&A producers)


In that case I think my "Christmas Special" sequel was an epilogue in itself :lol:. Except it was a girl named Kelly (close to Billy!) and she was Kim and Tasha's biological daughter :wink: I think because if she had have been Robbie's, it would have been too couply for him and Tash... since they used to be together. Plus Robbie's got lots of brothers and sisters. No reason for Kim's pretty genes to end with him :) I love those fics...


Great examples of prolouges and epilouges are Mary-Alice's voice overs in Desperate Housewives, I know it's not literature, but it gives and idea of what they are.

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