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Whatever Happened to Milko?

Guest ebilxstar

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Milko was just Sally's childhood imaginery friend. She invented him as someone she could trust would never leave him, after the deaths of her parents and gran which left her an orphan. Eventually she grew out of it and stopped talking to him.

As far as we know she doesn't talk to Milko anymore :P But who knows maybe she does and needs serious help, that could be the next big cliffhanger to come our way.

Also this should be in general chat, as it is not exclusive to Australian episodes.

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Maybe milko will come alive one day to see sally.

I believe that Milko is actually Kate's real friend and she insisted that Milko get a part in the show or she wouldn't say her lines. So, reluctantly, the scriptwiters gave Milko a reference - rather than have Kate misbehave and throw tantrums. The fact that Kate then acted brilliantly - and also viewers loved it, meant that the scriptwiters couldn't resist devloping a storyline around Milko and the character continued for a number of episodes.

As for Milko today - still around I guess.

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