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Two Twisted

Guest emmasi

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Sorry if there's a thread about this somewhere else - I wasn't sure where to put it.

Matt Levitt (who plays Charlie on H&A) was on a show called "Two Twisted" last night. It was only for about 3 seconds, but I just thought I'd mention it in case anyone was interested. I was :)

Um, I forgot what the link to the official site was, and now I can't find it on the net... but they said at the end of the episode, which was called "Grand Final," that you'd be able to download episodes from the site in about a week or two. Catch is, it costs $2 :rolleyes:. Maybe someone else has it for free, I don't know. It was a pretty good episode anyway.

So... yeah, that didn't really help anyone, but I thought I'd just make it known.

Charlie -woo!

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