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Guest alexx

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Awww...I love it! How long have you been learning it for?

since year 3. But we learn about house parts...when am I gonna use that?


You could say...'Dormo in un letto in mia camera da letto', but then again, I would imagine that most people would already know that you sleep in a bed in your bedroom. :P


What an unusual topic - but I love accents, coming from the Coventry (UK) I have no accent we just talk in slang. My favourite is Geordie, and a bloke wiv a geordie accent... mmmm! :wink:


Whey aye, pet! How ya deein'? Alreet? :wink:

I've lived near Newcastle for over 15 years, but before that I lived near Manchester so my accent is sort of crossed - the 'Manc' comes out more when I'm drunk, apparently!

My favourite accents are North Yorkshire, Cheshire and even Black Country (a bit like Brummie but more northern).


Lol, well I can do Brummie since we're just down the road and my family on me mums side originates from the "Black Countrie". I've travelled across the country with me band for years now and (apart from Geordie) I love the west-northern accent and can imitate it quite well, Peter Kays accent is great... "Garlic Bread" an' all that!.


Thanks to Torchwood, I am beginning to like the Welsh accent more and more. I didn't think it was possible :lol:

I know they sound so cool, but their accents are more from the Vallyies. I'm from Cardiff (where Torchwood is filmed and I got Captain Jacks and Owen ? lol autographs :P ) and I sound nothing like the people off Torchwood do.


You could say...'Dormo in un letto in mia camera da letto', but then again, I would imagine that most people would already know that you sleep in a bed in your bedroom. :P

Some people say in italian 'I sleep in the toilet'

and I accidentally answered in a test 'you put the car in thye kitchen'



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