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Jon Sivewright

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^ I wouldn't get too excited though, he just kind of walked into the bar and discovered it had been broken into then looked around pondering for a bit and that was about it!! :D

EDIT: I have made a new avatar seeing as I liked the scene with Tony and Rory so much! I know.. I know.. I change my avatar more often than my underwear these days!! :lol:

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Well that's a worry because you seem to at least see the week out with the same Avatar :) Love the new one too.

I was kind of hoping that Sam would die and leave Rory for HotDad and Jack to raise. The kid even looks like a mini Tony.

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Well that's a worry because you seem to at least see the week out with the same Avatar :)

:lol: On second thoughts that was maybe not the best way to decribe my fickle attitude to avatars! I change my underwear far more often than that I promise!!!

I was kind of hoping that Sam would die and leave Rory for HotDad and Jack to raise. The kid even looks like a mini Tony.

I think HotDad would have made a fantastic father figure for Rory, much better than Jack. Actually I would like Tony to have another baby, it doesn't really matter who with. (but I'm thinking Rachel at the moment!)

On that fatherly note, I can't wait for the Tony/Mattie scenes later in the week.

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Anyway, back to Tony. Rory as Tony's son...that would be so cute :wub:. Like you said, bodwod, he even looks like him :lol:. However, I'll have to think about a Tony and Rachel pairing. I'm not quite sure about that, but I've always liked the thought of a Sally and Tony pairing. Sally + Tony = Sony :lol:.

(Karena, I love your new avatar :D).

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I've always been for the Tony/Sally pairing but I suppose that would cut out any future babies. I don't actually want him to have a baby, I want him to have a 10 yr old, I wanted him to have Rory. Seriously, I hate TV kids but actually really liked this one and he really seemed to have a connection with Tony (much more so than Jack).

I think the Tally pairing would be the answer to all my H&A prayers. He'd move into the caravan park and be the Summer Bay Dad. He and Sally have similar kind natures and both love kids, they'd make a fabulous Tom and Pippa.

Not keen on the idea of him with Rachel. She's a bit too righteous and intense for our mister laid back, don't know how to use scissors, surfy boy.

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^ I agree! :D He looked so cute half asleep on the sofa!! I felt really sorry for Tony, that 'orrible Martha was a right cow and didn't seem to care about poor Tony's feelings. Was it just me or did anyone else think the way Martha was acting towards Tony was very similar to how she was with Jack when he first arrived in the Bay. I'm sensing some chemistry there!!

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I have just read an interesting Tony spoiler (It's a good one this time!):

It seems we may get to see a half (hopefully fully

:P ) naked Tony in the next few weeks!! Someone said that TV Soap says that Tony (among others) will be involved in the 'stripping' thing i mentioned a few pages back. I believe Cassie is involved in making a charity calender and the boys pose for it!! Bring on the nakedness!! :lol:

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