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Jon Sivewright

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Tonight's ep was everything I was hoping it would be. HotDad was just beautiful. Shaggy, but still.... beautiful. Jon, if you're reading this..... call me.... oh, and get a haircut.

I can't be the only one who sees this....


I've just put some screen caps up in the screen cap thread. Aww, pretty, pretty HotDad.

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^ Oh dear thats not good!! Tom Baker gives me the creeps! Always has done, ever since I was a kid. I never thought I would say this but HotShag's hair is growing on me (not literally... that would just be...... wierd!) Although I would prefer him to have a haircut ASAP! Looking at those pictures there is someone else he reminds me of... Martin Shaw in the Professionals!



As for todays episode, I have to say I agree with you bodwod, it was sssoooooo gooood! I loved how nervous he got when he had his talk with Mattie!! I would have loved to have been in one of his sex ed classes!! And his little 'chat' with Ric was cracking too! I just kept saying... aww bless him... during all his scenes today! They are going to have to do something spectacular next week to top this, it has been a truly fantastic HotShag week!!! Altogether now....

Get yer kit off Tone!

P.S. Nice new avatar bodwod :) (By the way bodwod is a very unusual name, do you have a 'normal' one?!)

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P.S. Nice new avatar bodwod (By the way bodwod is a very unusual name, do you have a 'normal' one?!)

Well, not such a normal one but the name my mother gave me is Brooke. Bodwod is a combination of mine and my husbands initials (I'm the Bod, he's the Wod :)). He goes by Wodbod.

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P.S. Nice new avatar bodwod (By the way bodwod is a very unusual name, do you have a 'normal' one?!)

Well, not such a normal one but the name my mother gave me is Brooke. Bodwod is a combination of mine and my husbands initials (I'm the Bod, he's the Wod :)). He goes by Wodbod.

OK, Brooke, I'm still a touch confused but we will gloss over that! :D

I haven't had the chance to see Fridays episode but I am guessing Tony didn't make an appearance in it seeing as he has been in 3 episodes already!? Loving all the Tony action at the moment, he is obviously getting Beth, Alf and Irenes airtime while they are away! I'm all for that!!!

I still haven't finished my Tony video that I talked about ages ago. I will finish it one day though.... I think!

(Please forgive me for wittering on but I'm a little tipsy... correction drunk :P)

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P.S. Nice new avatar bodwod (By the way bodwod is a very unusual name, do you have a 'normal' one?!)

Well, not such a normal one but the name my mother gave me is Brooke. Bodwod is a combination of mine and my husbands initials (I'm the Bod, he's the Wod :)). He goes by Wodbod.

Brooke is a cool name :D. I haven't seen Friday's episode, but I'm pretty sure that he wasn't in it. However, the episodes in Aus have made up for that.

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Nope, no Tony on Friday. I suppose I can't get too greedy. We had a great dosage last week. He features (slightly) in next weeks spoilers, finally sharing a scene with Lucas (which I think may be his first this year).

Brooke, thats a cool name!!

Never been a fan of it myself. I always said it was something my mother screamed at the doctor in labour - broooooooooooke!!!! It sounds like a burp or something. I usually get Brookie or chook anyway.

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