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Jon Sivewright

Guest Adia

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Did she manage to see past the bad hair and be bowled over by the HotDad effect?! :D

Speaking of which, Tony is doing understandably well in the Most Handsome Men in Summer Bay poll. It seems the HotDad effect is catching!

Oh happy days!!


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[covers ears] LA LA LA I CAN'T HEAR YOU LA LA LA!!!!

OK, I'll pretend to be a mature adult now and discuss this in a calm and rational manner. This is completely out of character and I don't buy it at all. Then again, this would further reinforce his DILF status which is what we've been saying all along.

I can (at a stretch) buy that he might sleep with a younger girl (hell, I'd be giving any future girlfriend a full medical before getting too attached if I were him) but stealing his son's girlfriend - even if she was Jack's girl, I don't buy it. That's Amanda's domain (well not with girls but you get what I'm saying here.

BTW, I noticed on some of the other character threads that they have CONTAINS SPOILERS in the title. Maybe it's worth doing that here so we can talk without the spoiler tags. What does everyone think?

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That may be a good plan as it seems there will be lots of Tony stuff to discuss in the coming weeks! But I think Adia or a mod will have to edit the topic title.

As for the spoiler

I think i've decided I don't want it to happen as Tony and a teenager is just wrong! The only way I could remotely contemplate this situation occuring is if Lucas's girlfriend is older than him (at least 21) and if Tony completely loses the plot after Beth dies. I was also thinking about the other spoiler about Tony leaving. This is complete random speculation but maybe he is so ashamed by his actions he decides to leave the Bay. But that to me points to a temporary departure, not a permanent one. But who know?!

Anyway, on to more pressing matters, it looks like there will be some HotDad action in tomorrows episode! But unfortunately he looks like he keeps his clothes on! :(:D

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What a shame :P

While you want to give people who give spoilers the beefit of the doubt i really don't see that happening.I Can see it happening with someone younger but not that young and not that close to home...

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I was thinking the same thing. We have been spoiled over the last 2 weeks with all the HotDad action so I suppose we should expect the scenes to dry up at some point. I hope not though as I am optimistic he may pop up when we least expect it this week! :D Alternatively he could drop into the background for a few weeks until

the big Beth storyline hits. I am resigned to the fact that she is going to die because the spoiler is coming from too many sources for it not to be true. As for the 'other' Tony spoilers, I am still open minded about that but I hope and pray he doesn't leave.

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Same here. I'm resigned to (and in a way, looking forward to) the Beth spoiler happening but I refuse to accept either of the two big Tony spoilers. Do we know which week the Beth spoiler is supposed to take place in?

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I heard that it was April/May. But there have been so many sources about the Beth spoiler it's not funny...

I've only just seen the latest Tony spoilers about

him sleeping with Lucas' girlfriend

What the? Unless Lucas is doing a Pacey off Dawson's Creek (ie, the teacher thing...) I mean that's just... :o Well it can't happen!

And I agree, it would just be so out of his character...

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