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Jon Sivewright

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Dear Home & Away Hair and Wardrobe Departments,

Please note, I can handle either the HotDad side part or the HotDad ugly shirt but, for future reference, I am not equipped to deal with both in the same episode. I'm sorry, I'm just not mentally strong enough.

Yours faithfully


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^ I'm so glad I read your post before I saw today's episode, or without prior warning, there could have been a serious danger of me having a meltdown at the sight of that hideous side parting! :D I actually hoped that shirt has been lost forever when HotDad recently got his new shirts but unfortunately someone saw fit to dig it out!!

As for the episode, I thought it was a bit out of character for Tony to be whooping like he did at the half naked woman (aka Martha) but I guess that was for maximum effect when they all realised who she was. Also, did you notice the greedy guts grab another sausage sanger when the taxi came, before he had even finished the last one!?

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I did think of you, Karena, the minute I saw that shirt. As for the hair, I mean it's one step away from being a follically abundant comb-over. Many, many kinds of wrong.

I did notice the piggy sausage grab (speaking of sounding wrong). I'm away on work at the moment so hubby was not with me while I watched, leaving me free to speak openly with my TV screen. I think I may have commented "watch those HotDogs, HotDad, we need those shirtless scenes, and that, my little friend, 'aint helping".

It's probably going to be a pretty light on week this week but I hope that shirt and side part aren't all I've got to hold onto. I'm off to the screen caps page to burn a new image into my head.

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Good plan, I may join you! :D I hope the side parting is not here to stay and it is just a case of it flopping that way (you ain't the only one who can sound wrong!) :lol: I don't see much styling going on with the hair at the moment and it is looking a tad.. erm... greasy. I guess this it to prevent an afro look which to be honest doesn't bear thinking about! *runs away and hides from bad bad bad visions of HotDad with an afro and 70's style porn moustache!!*

Dear Oh dear, what is he doing to us with his bad hair? I don't understand his reluctance to visit the barber! Answers on a postcard........

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Aw fa cryin' out loud!! These spoilers are getting ridiculous. I actually believe them because they are coming thick and fast from a lot of sources but I just RE-HEEEALLY don't want them to happen. It's all so ridiculously out of character for Tony. I just hope this new spoiler doesn't tie in with the one that says

Tony leaves the Bay, making way for a new family. There's nothing in there to say he's framed so if he goes to jail he's not coming out in a hurry.

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Well you may have gotten your storyline...

... or not?! :D

It seems the information about

Tony going to jail

is bogus! Someone has been playing silly bu**ers and has apparently posted stuff under In the Know's name. To be honest I don't know what the hell to believe anymore, it's all getting a bit silly now.

With all this spoiler nonsense I forgot to mention Tony's small, but 'macho', part in Mondays episode :D He didn't say a lot, apart from hello to Irene, but I loved it when he stopped Drew hitting Ethan! He always seems to be the pacifier so I would love to see him lose it and deck someone.. preferably Cam at the moment!

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Well you may have gotten your storyline...

... or not?! :D

It seems the information about

Tony going to jail

is bogus! Someone has been playing silly bu**ers and has apparently posted stuff under In the Know's name. To be honest I don't know what the hell to believe anymore, it's all getting a bit silly now.

With all this spoiler nonsense I forgot to mention Tony's small, but 'macho', part in Mondays episode :D He didn't say a lot, apart from hello to Irene, but I loved it when he stopped Drew hitting Ethan! He always seems to be the pacifier so I would love to see him lose it and deck someone.. preferably Cam at the moment!

I totally agree with you about the whole spoiler thing. Being patient is the key :D.

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Phew, that's a relief. I really wasn't looking forward to the green short set!

I did love the tiny little bit of HotDad we saw on Monday (although it seemed like that part was meant for someone else (Dan) and he just filled in on the day). This week's been WAY to light on in the HotDad arena. Mattie was in the preview for tonight so I'm hoping where there's a Mattie there's a Daddie :)

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