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Jon Sivewright

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Woo-hoo. Lots of beautiful HotDad moments tonight. It was pretty sad seeing him

getting the house all ready for Beth's big return when we know what's around the corner for him though.

Poor HotDad's going to need a lot of TLC next week - CALL ME, HOTDAD!! That's 1800 BOD WOD.

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^ :lol:

Some good HotDad action at last! I love his scenes with Kit and Mattie :) I agree it was

very sad to seeing him all excited about Beth coming home when we know she will never get there

. Have I mentioned I can't wait for next week?!

Has everyone seen the new pics on HAAC that someone has posted from their visit to Palm Beach on 12th April? There are some nice shots of HotDad (including one shirtless!) but unfortunately the hair is still there!

There is also a spoiler that someone has posted on the TV Week discussion site that says

Tony meets a new woman who works at the gym who helps him get over Beth.

The person who posted it says her sister was an extra on set last week but some of the other spoilers are a touch far fetched so I will take them with a pinch of salt!

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Welcome Colette :) More and more people are being bitten by the HotDad bug!.... I love it!

Actually when you think about it, people rarely have anything bad to say about the HotDad. I mean, what's not to like?

(Said in the style of Joey from Friends when he was eating Rachel trifle with minced beef in!)

Hair..........Mmm...... Good (Not really but it's attached to him!)





Hotness..............Goooooooooooooooooood!! :wub:

Just think what could happen when they give him good storylines!

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Welcome to the best appreciation thread around, Colette!! I haven't seen today's Aussie ep, but I'm just about to. The pics on HAAC are excellent, although Jon's hair could do with a little trim! :D But at the moment, I'm just getting extremely excited about next week :lol:.

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Just think what could happen when they give him good storylines!

.... and a haircut!!

I'm so excited about next week. I was just a little concerned when I read the spoilers for the next 2 weeks that the storyline was hardly mentioned. I know they're probably trying to keep it all 'unspoiled' but the episodes seem so full of other crap that I'm getting worried that the Hunter/Holden story wont get the weight it deserves. We've waited so long for this - they'd better do it right!!

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They better not **** this one up!! I have to admit the spoilers were a little disappointing but I am hoping it is because they are trying not to reveal who actually


. Althought I think the world is aware of this situation now so they may as well just say! The TV Week articles were ridiculous, they shoud have just said it as we have known for months!

There has been talk of

Drew's mother turning up in the Bay (played by Rachel Gordon) and I'm just wondering if she could be the new love interest for Tony???)

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I think Jon will finally get the chance to show everyone what his really made of next week, It is about time he has been given a storyline of his own and something to really show emotion

Beth is the first death that has affected his character and after losing his first wife etc just seeing the promos proves he is going to pull off a convincing job

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Everyone is so hyped up for the ''Big Week'', so I hope they do it justice and include as much Tony action as possible :P.

The latest Aussie ep was so funny. I laughed when Tony called the fish a ''snapper''! The bonding scenes between Tony, Mattie and Kit were lovely! It was really sweet when Tony was doing all the chores (actually, he was employing Kit and Mattie to help out as well :P), but also very sad at the same time :(.

I was thinking the same myself, Karena, when I heard about

Drew's mum returning to the bay. I think they could make a really great couple! But I'm only basing that on the pictures I have seen of her filming at Palm Beach. However, I immediately thought...I wonder if her and Tony will get together


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