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Jon Sivewright

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I loved todays episode it is nice to look forward to an episode and not be let down when actually having watched it, i enjoyed it so much i watched it twice as im sure tommorow i may well again (4402) that in my opinion was the best episode i have seen for over 100 episodes, I actually did cry a touch at the last scene when Tony was breaking exciting news only to be delivered crap news it had such a hard hitting dramatic impact if we hadnt known what was coming it would have hit harder.

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What can I say??.. It's been a long time coming but it's finally happened.... HotDad has his storyline!!! :D Today's episode was AWESOME and tomorrows looks even better! The promo and sneak peak on the official site have really got my hopes up for tomorrow!

Going back to the episode, I agree with Bodwod that it was very difficult seeing Tony get all excited about her coming home. I loved the bit where he told them not to ring if it was a long labour and Ric said 'we wouldn't want to interrupt anything!' Then Mattie basically told him him he should get his butt to the hospital and she didn't care how long they had been apart! (In other words Tony wouldn't be getting any!) The scene just made me want Beth to come home so HotDad could be happy!!

But alas it didn't happen and unfortunately Tony has lost the love of his life. The scene at the end with Jack was fantastic and even thought I didn't want Beth to die it does mean that Jon with finally get the opportunity to show the world what a great actor he is!

Did I mention I can't wait for tomorrow!!? :)

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Yeah I was really upset when Tony was waiting for Beth to come home, I was thinking to myself, poor Tony he doesn't know that she is never coming home! :( I can't wait for tomorrows ep either, it should be fantastic!! I'm looking foward to him confronting the person responsible, we haven't really seen Tony confront someone before!

The last part of the promo is especially sad :( .To me he looks like he is looking at something on the table e.g a photo or something thats reminding him of Beth. What do you guys think?? :D

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It look like he could be looking a a photo or something. Or possibly the cake that Alf brought over? Poor HotDad, I just want to give him a big cuddle! :(

I am also really looking forward to the bit where he confronts the person responsible. In fact I am looking forward to all of tomorrow as there is going to be loads of cracking Tony scenes!

By the way did anyone notice how Tony called Mattie 'sweetheart' twice in today's episode? How sweet is he?! :wub: Also, did you see him practically with his nose in the muffins in the diner?! It was the kind of thing a child does!

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I thought he could be looking at the cake too. Yeah it was soooo sweet when Tony was calling Mattie 'sweetheart' :wub:. He also called her Tilly, that was pretty sweet too :wub:.

I thought he was going to eat all the muffins when he was at the diner, I thought Mattie might have to restrain him!! :lol:

I can't wait for tomorrows episode!! :D

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What makes the whole situation worse is the poor sod has been through this hell before with Katie. I think we are in for some seriously good drama in the next episode from the promo on seven i can see Both Jon and Amy Matthews are certainly not going to disapoint and , Idiana is such a talented actress and will go far

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Aww I can't wait to see these episodes, does any one know when HotDad is next on the UK screens?

I am needing a HotDad fix, although I have been in the caps section :wub::wub:

You won't be dissapointed Colette some great Tony scenes over the next couple of weeks I'm sure!!

Tony will be in tomorrows Five UK episode, although his only in a scene or two, but it's better than nothing! :D.

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I have just seen the new spoilers and there is no mention of Tony :( There is a mention of Lucas and his family but that's it. I hope this current storyline is not a 'flash in the pan' and he disappears back into the background for months.

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