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Jon Sivewright

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I don't believe a word of that on Wikipedia. I am more inclined to believe the stuff thats been posted on HAAC here.

There are loads of rumours about Tony sleeping with Lucas's girlfriend so I am thinking there is some truth there somewhere. However, I do think it's a little too soon after Beth. I am hoping that she isn't actually officially Lucas's girlfriend and he just has a crush on her. Maybe Tony kinda gets in there before him not knowing about Lucas's feelings for her. Unless he REALLY loses the plot after Beth, I can't see him hurting Lucas like that.

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Yes I am up late but i'm never too tired to talk about the HotDad! :D

I agree about that particular spoiler. It came from someone claiming to be 'In The Know' but it seems that people have been posting under that name with foilers so it's difficult to know whats true anymore. The real 'In the Know' got everything about Beth spot on so I sort of believe what they say but how do we know who is really 'In The Know'!!! :blink: Anyway since the

Tony leaving spoiler was posted, people have visited Palm Beach and have posted pictures of Jon filming so I am thinking/hoping he is staying.. touch wood!

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I'm having a bit of a dull Sunday night so I've been playing around on the computer making some Tony avs. They're not that good but here they are if anyone's interested. I'm wandering over to the screencaps thread to post some caps too.

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Very nice indeed Bodwod :D I love the 'smokin' one the best!! I am currently making a load of new avs from last week's caps but my laptop needs fixing again. It could go at any anytime so if I am not around for a few days then thats why. Power socket is broke and held into place by tape at the moment!

I have been thinking about next week and my prediction is we will see HotDad either on Tues, Wed, Thurs or just Wed and Thurs. Then again I am probably wrong! If my computer doesn't get fixed quickly and I can't downlaod the episodes I am gonna be freaking out big time!! :o

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You're avs are beautiful, Karena. I love the pastel tones through them all. Gorgeous.

I think we probably wont be seeing Tony until Wednesday this week. I'd like to think Mattie's accident brings him home early but the spoilers for Monday and Tuesday look pretty stuffed full of other crap so I'm not holding my breath. This big break in the storyline has been such a let down. I do think the episodes he's been in have been wonderfully done but they should have waited a few more before shipping them off to Adelaide. It's been a bit of an anti-climax. I know they're contracted for so many hours a week or whatever but I think when a big storyline comes along, just pay them bloody overtime. Jeez, HotDad's been on the sidelines since he started on the show, I'm sure he wouldn't mind putting in a few extra hours for the sake of some interesting work.

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Just a flying visit.. laptop is still broke so am using my parents computer to get my HotDad fix!

I agree with what you are saying, it is very very disappointing that we are missing huge chunks of this storyline. It has been a week nearly and we haven't seen a trace of the HotDad or Kit to know how they are coping. It was bad enough that we didn't get to see the funeral but to not see them at all is annoying to say the least.

I have a really horrible feeling that after the memorial service HotDad is going to disappear into the background again. There is a serious lack of Tony action in the spoilers and I don't like it one bit. :angry: After waiting so long for a storyline, it would be really irritating if this was just a flash in the pan and he goes back to going shopping and making breakfast for the next 6 months. I have read bits of spoilers, as we have discussed previously, but none of them are 100% reliable so it's difficult to figure out what's going to happen. I like to have things to look forward to but after the memorial service it doesn't seem like much is going on.

Apart from a Lucas thing about choosing between his family or career (or something like that) I'm thinking the HotDad would probably be involved in that??? Who knows??

Rant over :)

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