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Jon Sivewright

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Stay single for the time being then in the future start a relationship with Irene they would make a perfect couple. :wub:

I think Tony is too quiet for Irene. She needs someone who can match her fiestiness (like Barry *sniff*). It would be nice to see a friendship between them though.

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I'm just visiting again. Still not got laptop back and getting a tad annoyed with the repair people now! :angry: Nevermind.. think good thoughts.. HotDad HotDad HotDad!! :P

I have managed to see wednesdays and thursdays episodes now and I loved all the HotDad bits! The chat with Irene was nice as well as the scene with Kit and Mattie on the sofa. However judging by his face after the toast to Beth he is still keeping things bottled up. Poor HotDad... I hope they continue showing his grief and don't just have him forget all about Beth. He needs to fall apart before being put together again. As I have said before they could have done the aftermath of Beth's death so much better than they did. I just hope that's not it for the Tony storyline.

On a lighter note, one of my favourite scenes of the week was when Tony showed Kit a trick with Archie - "Put him on his tummy and rub his back" - How I would have loved to actually see that moment!! I don't know about other people but I am dying to see a Tony and baby scene! :wub:

I think for now he should stay single but I'd like to see him heat things up in the future. Something with a lot more fire in it than his relationship with Beth.

I agree totally with this. He should definately have time to grieve for Beth before getting involved with anyone else. It does sound like there is something on the cards with him and Naomi and there have been rumours floating around for a while but I think it is still way too soon to hook up with someone new. After all, it took Tony 15 years to find love again after his wife died. Looking into my crystal ball I have a feeling this stuff with Naomi/Lucas/Tony stuff is going to get a touch ugly! Well as ugly as it can get with HotDad around!!

Sorry for going on a bit, I am trying to make up for lost time!!

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I don't know about other people but I am dying to see a Tony and baby scene! :wub:

Me too!! :wub: He was soooooo sweet with Rory so I can imagine him being a natural with little bubs :D.

I hope you get your laptop working properly again soon Karena!! :D

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Just a couple of other things before I disappear:

I was slighly disappointed with Tony's speech as the memorial. It was OK and I like the way he played it but it didn't have the same impact as Mattie's. I didn't really like the last line "She was by far the best thing in my life". I think they should have got rid of the 'by far' bit and he should have gone on to say more about her and his memories of their time together. God I'm sooooo picky!! There's no pleasing me is there?! :D

Has anyone else noticed how he scratches his head when he is nervous? I wonder if that is a Jon thing or a character trait?

As for HotDad this week, I'm kinda likin' this new cranky pants HotDad. It's nice to see a slightly different side of him - a little Jack Bauer under the surface.

I liked it too when he snapped at Jack! He was bugging him a bit too much to 'talk' when Tony didn't really want want to and didn't really care about the gym. I hope there is some more cranky-ness in the next few weeks as he struggles with his feelings.

Me too!! :wub: He was soooooo sweet with Rory so I can imagine him being a natural with little bubs :D .

I don't know why but I've got a thing about men and babies! Especially cute men (i.e. HotDad) and cute babies!!

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Has anyone else noticed how he scratches his head when he is nervous? I wonder if that is a Jon thing or a character trait?

I'm soooo glad you have mentioned that, I was going to start a new topic called 'Why does Tony scratch his head all the time?' :lol:. I'm not sure whether it is Jon trait or a character trait, but whichever one it is, he does it alot!!

I have compiled some evidence :lol:. Sorry about the quality of some of the caps, they come out badly sometimes :angry::D .

Episode 4341


Episode 4342



Episode 4409



Feel free to add your evidence!! :lol:

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Great sleuth work, Coco. He also licks his lips when he's about to say something difficult. Poor bugger must get a dry mouth and a dry scalp when he's nervous. Anti dandruff shampoo could help with the latter and I'd be happy to offer my services to those dry lips.

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LOL :lol:. This thread is great!!

I've noticed that too. I don't know why he does that :unsure:.

I'm looking foward to next week when we get to meet this Naomi girl....I hope there is a bit of Tony and Lucas rivalry, that would be good. Apart from the Lucas rebellion storyline, we have never really seen Tony lose it at one of his sons or have a heated argument with them, and I think maybe we might get to see some of that over the next few weeks. Well I hope so at least :D.

I'm also looking foward to seeing some pictures of Jon at the logies!! :wub::D

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Apart from the Lucas rebellion storyline, we have never really seen Tony lose it at one of his sons or have a heated argument with them, and I think maybe we might get to see some of that over the next few weeks. Well I hope so at least .

I'm with you, Coco. I'd love to see a little of that too.

I thought I should back up my lick lipping claims with some cold hard, lip-smacking photographic evidence. Here's what a quick flick through my HotDad collection uncovered.


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and because I take my investigative Scoop-Bradiness very seriously here's some more...


If only Beth got to enjoy the tongue work-out as much as the viewers did!

And finally..... (no evidence here, just a feast for the eyes) :wub:


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BTW, great job capturing the head-scratch, lip-lick combo, Coco. You can tell Tony was in a rough spot there, he's brought out the big guns with both at once.

Another hint that times are getting tough, the double-barrelled, two-handed head scratch. Only to be used in times of absolute emergency. This one's not for the faint hearted, kids, and shouldn't be tried at home without proper supervision.


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