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Jon Sivewright

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:lol: Bodwod you have seriously outdone yourself with those tongue pictures!! That was possibly the best post ever!! When I thought that was it I looked again and there were more!! I had noticed he does that a lot but I never realised quite how much! Classic!

On the subject of the logies, I am desperate to see it. Were there many shots of the HotDad and what was he wearing?? I hope it was in improvement on last years effort! Also, I don't suppose there was any sign of a hair cut??

Coco, I can't seem to find the picture you are talking about, can you point me in the right direction? :)

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Sure Karena you can find it here! - Credit to lisab555 at HAAC. Give it a minute or two to load, it took agees for me :D.

I think he might have had a haircut actually :o. I love the black shirt/suit combo....very nice :wub:.

Him and Jodi look sweet together!! :wub::D

I'm hoping there may be a few more pics of Jon added from the logies maybe tomorrow or even better tonight!!

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I meant to post this before but I forgot :rolleyes:. I posted this in the thread for your Beth and Tony video but I thought I'd post it in here too, beause I didn't know whether you checked that thread. Thanks :D.

Just wondering Karena, if you know the episode numbers of the clips used at 00:40, 00:45, 01:07 and 03:12. Any help would be greatly appreciated :D.
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Thanks Coco for directing me to the picture :):wub: He does look incredibly hot I have to admit and the black shirt and suit ensemble is a serious improvement on last year! (click here for a reminder - aww look at his little rosey cheeks!) I can't wait to see more pictures, preferably a close up or two! :P I think you could be right, there are definate signs he has been in the barbers chair. It's not perfect but definately a step in the right direction!

As for the Naomi situation, I have been reading on HAAC that

she could only be in the show for about 5 weeks so that mean if Tony sleeps with her it may be sooner than expected. And to be honest there are too many rumours about it for there not to be any truth in it. I am thinking that it will probaby be a one off as he will realise it is a big mistake.. in more ways than one!

This is of course pure speculation on my part, who knows what will happen!?

Coco - I'll pop over to the other thread in a minute and hopefully answer your question about the Beth and Tony video. Lets hope I can remember the episode nos. off the top of my head! I know it's very sad but I probably can! :D

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He does look incredibly hot I have to admit and the black shirt and suit ensemble is a serious improvement on last year! (click here for a reminder - aww look at his little rosey cheeks!)

Coco - I'll pop over to the other thread in a minute and hopefully answer your question about the Beth and Tony video. Lets hope I can remember the episode nos. off the top of my head! I know it's very sad but I probably can! :D

LOL - It was a HUGE improvment on last year :lol:.

Yeah I've got a feeling the Lucas/Naomi/Tony situation (if there is one - I tend to speculate ALOT too :lol:) could happen within the next few weeks if Tiffany Preece (Naomi) has only got a 5 week contract :unsure:.

And thanks for any help with the episodes, it's much appreciated! :D

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My last thought for the evening before my parents get sick of me taking over their computer and kick me back to my own house!

I have been thinking about this Naomi business - In reality it is far too soon for Tony to be moving on and getting some action but I think I can put that to the back of my mind if it means more Hot HotDad scenes and storylines! :D They have been few and far between in the last year and I for one am not fussy how he gets his airtime as long as he gets plenty of it!! If it means we get to see more of HotDad he can get it on with Colleen for all I care!! :huh: On second thoughts ... maybe not eh!!! :lol:

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