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Jon Sivewright

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If we weren't a world apart, Coco we could hold hands, dance in a little circle and sing the "happy, happy, joy, joy"

:lol: I wish we could too bodwod! I want to fastfoward to when we see Tony this week then fastfoward to next weeks Tonyage and then slide through to week 19! I'm sure there will be plenty of discussion that week! Better still Tony could be in every episode :wink:.

Just to keep you updated with the logies pics, there is a photo on the official site of some of the guys and Jon is in one of them! If you go to the bottom of the site and then click on 'logie gallery' and it's the first pic :D. I just wrote that because it saves me posting a link :lol:.

The caption for the Chris Sadrinna pic made me laugh and felt a bit sad at the same time actually, it says 'suarve and sophisticated', and that is exactly what Tony said in his conversation to Beth when he asked her out on a date :(.

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That is a shame he deserves his own picture!! There is another pic of Jon, Jodi and Sharni :rolleyes: in the HAAC Gallery which you might want to take a look at :D. There are sooo many new pictures being uploaded from the logies but only a few seem to have the SuperDad in them! I'm just about to cap the clip of the cast up on stage, so when I'm done I'll post the screencaps of Jon in the Tony/Jon screencap thread :D.

EDIT: I've just created a myNetimages gallery Click here!, and I've uploaded the screencaps in there :D. They are pretty small and not very good, but if you look hard enough you will see Jon in the pics!! :D

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I'm back!!!.. for good this time I hope!!! :D Can I join in with "happy happy joy joy" too?!

If we weren't a world apart, Coco we could hold hands, dance in a little circle and sing the "happy, happy, joy, joy" song. I'm pretty sure that's the most we've ever seen Tony appear in spoilers in one week. I just wish I could fast forward through the next week and a bit's worth of crap and bring it on faster. WOW. I'm way to excited - this HotDad obsession is becoming unhealthy.

I think my obsession with HotDad is reaching unhealthy levels too!! I am SO excited about week 19 that I could pee my pants!!! :D He is going to be in 3 episodes that week which hasn't happened for a while and we are going to see a different side to him that we have never seen before!!!

I still think it is way too soon after Beth but I am looking forward to the repurcussions of it with Lucas, Mattie and Kit etc. Also, as someone has said on the spoilers thread it is not to do with moving on it is to do with his grief and feeling close to someone. I really hope the writers have done a good job of the storyline and he doesn't come across as sleazy.

Bring on week 19!! :D

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Cause you can join the dance too Karena!! :lol:

I was going to say something similar to what you said regarding Tony moving on. I think maybe (obviously we will have to wait and see) he will turn to Naomi for comfort, because he wants to feel settled and contented. When he was with Beth he was very contened, until she said she wanted to go away and then he became a bit insecure. IMO Tony should move on and find someone else, I'm just a little concerned though that Tony will become friends with Naomi and then things will move too quickly, and I have a feeling that is what is going to happen. But anyway, I'm going to stop blabbing on now, and save my disscussion for when we get to see Tony this week!! :lol:.

Oh and its great to have you back Karena, team SuperDad has missed you!! :D

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Let's hope we see Tony tomorrow *fingers crossed*!

Good job he was in todays UK episode so I could get my HotDad fix, and it was a good one too!! Aww he was so sweet when he was looking after Mattie :wub:

Feel free to babble away about HotDad, I could discuss him all night! Now all we need is Bodwod to join the party! :D

I wish there was more Logie pictures of him, I haven't found one yet of him on his own. :( He has been seriously neglected in the pictures department I feel. Poor HotDad, he is so photogenic too! I was searching for logie pictures and I came across some other stuff that I have never seen before. I am going over to the pics thread to upload them soon. Other people may have seen them but you can never get enough of the HotDad! :D

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Let's hope we see Tony tomorrow *fingers crossed*!

Good job he was in todays UK episode so I could get my HotDad fix, and it was a good one too!! Aww he was so sweet when he was looking after Mattie :wub:

I reckon he will be in the Thursday and Friday's eps, but I hope he is in tomorrows!!

I get so caught up in what's happening in Oz I forget about disscusing whats going on in the UK - and I see the episodes on Five, Five life, Five Repeats, Five Life repeats and the Saturday Omnibus :lol:. I LOVED tonights episode, Tony and Mattie get sweeter by the minute :wub:.

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I also sometimes forget about the UK episodes as it doesn't really matter if I miss them because I have seen them all! But it is just a bonus when I get to see HotDad on the big telly and not on a little computer screen!

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Oooh, so many posts to catch up on, I'm not sure where to start. How about - welcome back, Karena. We've missed you around here. Three forms a much better circle for the 'happy, happy, joy, joy' song :)

I'm not too concerned about the Naomi stuff, as long as he doesn't fall in love with her. I'd buy a physical relationship for the reasons discussed already. Once it becomes too emotional a connection I'll start to get a little worried. I do think that if the writers were planning all this Naomi stuff they should have moved the Beth death forward a bit.

What's happening on the UK screens at the moment?

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Very true bodwod, as long as Tony doesn't completley fall in love with her :rolleyes:, I think he will be alright :unsure:. But in the same way if Tony does actually fall in love with her :o, I would feel very sorry for SuperDad if Naomi broke his heart by leaving, it looks like that is what is going to happen though if Tiffany Preece only has a 5 week contract.

What's happening on the UK screens at the moment?

Well todays Five episode (4356), was Ric's first day in prison, poor guy I feel so sorry for him :(. But at least Matilda is coping because she has Tony to support her!! So thats where us peeps in England are up to at the moment :D.

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