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Jon Sivewright

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Yikes, that'd be a nasty one. Damn, I hope HotDad remembers the basics of protection. It's been a while.

Well, good news, girls. We had a lovely little surprise dose of HotDad in tonight's ep. Not much and only at the beginning but a nice HotDad/Kit moment. BTW, it's worth sticking around until the preview for tomorrow night's ep - me thinks you'll likes what you sees.

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:wub::wub: I don't know what else to say :lol:

Don't worry, HotDad does that to you sometimes! :lol:

Truly magnificent scene with Kit and lots of Holden flesh in the promo!!.. Excellent! It all makes up for the lack of any other HotDadness in the episode but I am beginning to appreciate quality over quantity! Bring on tomorrow!!

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I know it has been very disappointing the lack of Tony post Beth's death. We all had high hopes but we are being forced to feed on scraps again. Nevermind, we can look forward to tomorrow and the Naomi stuff in a few weeks. I will be very interested to see how that one develops, particularly Kit and Mattie's reactions to it, if they find out. There should be something about it in TV Week on Monday shouldn't there as it seems like it is the main story that week? That would be a novelty, HotDad featuring in TV Week!! I hope Jon gets interviewed about it too! Sorry getting a touch carried away there!! :D

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I was thinking the same thing. There should be something in TV about it. I'll bet it'll be focused on Lucas though. I'm looking forward to Kit and Mattie's reaction too but am not holding out too much hope on the Mattie front. They've hardly been in the same room together for months. She's in all the Ric and teen scenes and uses up her contract quota leaving no time for the Hunter/Holden scenes.

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Yeah bring on tomorrow!! Hopefully there should be quite a bit of the SuperDad tomorrow! It's always a good sign when he is in a promo, especially like todays :wub:.

I'm going to add a new album into my, myNetimages gallery soon (the next day or two), and I'm going to make an album especially for Tony!! I'll put screencaps from his first episode and a few after that and then update with the latest Aus episode captures :D. I probably won't post my screencaps in the Tony/Jon screencap thread anymore because well 1) When I upload screencaps, I have to do them individually, and this takes ALOT of time! (Not that I mind, its just a tad annoying! :lol:). And 2) there will be no need if they are uploaded into my gallery :D.

I'm Tony screencapping like crazy right now so I'll have plenty to upload when I create the album :D.

Heres the link again Click here!

There is a pretty high chance that he will be in TV Week considering the amount of people who could be involved in the storyline e.g Kit, Mattie, Lucas and maybe Jack.

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