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how can I put this in a subtle way... check out the shorts!

Heh, I was waiting for someone to say something about that. I noticed when I was watching last night that Tony was at, how shall I say.... full attention. I'm always the one with the dirty mind so I thought I'd wait and see if anyone else noticed. You didn't let me down, Karena (just like Kit didn't let Tony down :)).

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That's funny. I was going to make a comment after your first hint but wasn't sure if that's what you were talking about and being determined not to call it first left it alone. How funny. We should both wash our brains out with soap.

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Not nearly as much HotDad as I was hoping for but not bad tonight. The smile he gave when Lucas said he wanted to 'go for a surf with his old man' was beautiful. Looks like more in the works for tomorrow. I'm not sure I like this mopey HotDad, I like the cranky pants or the happy go lucky - not as keen on the in between.

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That's funny. I was going to make a comment after your first hint but wasn't sure if that's what you were talking about and being determined not to call it first left it alone. How funny. We should both wash our brains out with soap.

It's quite scary how alike we think! :D

Not nearly as much HotDad as I was hoping for but not bad tonight. The smile he gave when Lucas said he wanted to 'go for a surf with his old man' was beautiful. Looks like more in the works for tomorrow. I'm not sure I like this mopey HotDad, I like the cranky pants or the happy go lucky - not as keen on the in between.

I think today it was another case of quality over quantity. Firstly on a positive note the smiles and the amount of flesh on display was fantastic! On the negative side, it seems he went AWOL through the middle of the episode and it would have been nice to see the scene where Tony persuaded Lucas to go to the US. I also thought Tony was going to cry when Lucas said he wasn't going and I kind of wish he did. A hug at this point would have been nice too.

I very much would like to see cranky pants and I don't mind mopey but it is the putting on a brave face thing that I am not keen on. I have wrote about this in the Aus Discussion thread but I want to see him going through hell, not just asume he is!

Oh well it looks like we will get a third dose of the HotDad tomorrow which I can't complain about and he gets to meet Naomi which should be interesting! Did anyone spot the trousers he was wearing in the promo? They seemd a little 'old man'! (That is a genuine comment about his trousers and means nothing else... honest!)

I think I'll do some caps now! With lots of HotDad flesh! :wub:

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I thought todays episode was rather good actually, but like you both said, quality over quantity! I loved that scene in the diner :wub:.

You know what, I like Naomi already!! :lol: She has a really soft voice and seems quite calm and caring :D. I love the promo too, the bit where they shake hands, you could see Tony was drawn to her :lol:.

I'm screencapping as we type :P, I'll probably cap todays ep tomorrow and then upload them to my galley, its just a case of catching up with the episodes I haven't capped....which at the moment are, Beth's memorial service, yesterdays and todays episodes.

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Yeah, you're right about those pants. It looks like he should be playing golf in them.

I quite like Naomi too. I just don't like that she's 21. She actually looks older than 21 so that should help picturing them together.

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I've just been to the official site, next week should be awesome!! Not only is Tony on the front page (well actually his not on the front page, its when you scroll over the squares :lol:, he is in not one....not two....three pictures!!!! Now that is a record!

I'm going to watch episode 4415 in a few minutes, and I'm really looking foward to it, I hope its a good episode.

Anyway, I can't get over the amount of Tonyness there will be next week! And how sweet is this...Tony is going to teach Naomi how to surf :wub:.

Am I the only one thats excited?? :lol:

EDIT: I've posted a link in the other thread to today episode screencaps :D.

I thought todays ep was great, especially when Tony was feeling emotional about opening Beths suitcase. There is definate chemistry between Tony and Naomi already....I think so anyway!! I think a hug would have been good though, but maybe next week! Like I said before I can't wait to see Tony teaching Naomi to surf :wub:.

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WOW! There is so much HotDad-ness to discuss I don't know where to begin!

Firstly, todays episode was better that expected. I liked how they have got Naomi and Tony bonding straight away and I loved the casserole scene, the suitcase/crying scene and how he opened up to Naomi about Beth. I actually quite like Naomi and I think she does seem older than 22.

Next week looks soooooo good! I have never seen so many pictures of HotDad on the official site and there is so much shirtlessness it is unbelievable! You are right Coco he does look so cute teaching Naomi to surf! :wub: I thought that after 3 episodes on the trot we may have a bit of a HotDad drought next week but I am so very glad I was wrong! I can't wait to see what happens on his boys night out too! Bring on next week! I am sure there will be something in TV week on Monday too! I'm sooo excited about the next 2 weeks! :D

Has anyone seen the Logies video on the official site? - It contains a very nice (and very short) clip of Jon, he says something like "My bloody oath i'm excited!" :D

Bodwod - Slightly off topic here but we were talking about Rhys and Beth's break up a while ago and you said that you didn't see much of it. Well if you click here you can download some fantastic clips of some great Beth scenes, Clarissa was awesome in them all!

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