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Jon Sivewright

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:( Awww I've missed all of the HotDad stuff... damn broken computer...

But reading by the last 10 pages of posts that I've missed there is a lot of HotDad action coming up in the NZ episodes! Yay!

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I wondered where you had disappeared to Adia!! I thought it was strange how there was so much good HotDad stuff going on an you were nowhere to be seen! Nice to see you back :) You have come back at the right time because there will be so much to discuss over the next 2 weeks!

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I just about noticed Jon in the logies vid, it was such a short clip but very cool :wub:.

Naomi definately seems older than 22 :o.....shes more like late 20's to very early 30's. Lovin next week already...and we haven't even got there yet!! :lol:. As usual Martha and Jack stuff next week, not that I mind that, its the Martha and Cam stuff thats boring!! Hopefully Tony won't be overshadowed :(. Somehow I don't think thats going to happen, I mean there has to be quite a bit of Tonyness for there to be 3 pictures of him on the official site! :D

Welcome back Adia!!

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Wow, I've got a bit to catch up on. That's what happens when you let life overtake fantasy - NOT GOOD!!!

Thanks so much for the link to the Beth/Rhys clips, Karena. I'll check them out at work tomorrow. The video card on my computer recently died and since the new one's gone in there's a whole bunch videos I can't play any more. I must be missing a Codec or something.

I know this wont be a popular opinion but I wasn't mad about Friday. I usually find Jon to be a really great natural actor but I'm finding a lot of the stuff he's tackling lately a bit forced. It's funny but I said to my hubby a week ago that the writers missed a good opportunity by not having him unpack Beth's suitcase so they must have had their spies in my house because I got that scene. I'd like him to bring his performance back a notch. He seems to be trying too hard to look sad and mopey. You can see him 'acting' and usually I don't. Like I said, I don't expect that particular opinion to be shared but I'm just interested to hear how you guys think he's doing.

Regardless, the eye candy factor is in full swing and we've got heaps of great stuff next week to look forward to.

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I admit that maybe I find it difficult to be unbiased or objective about Tony/Jon sometimes. We have gone so long without a storyline I am just happy to see him doing something at last!

I don't mind the mopeyness sometimes but I can see your point it does seem a bit forced occasionally. I think the problem with the aftermath of Beth's death is it has been very 'bitty' and we have only seen snippets of Tony's grief (as well as the rest of the family). He has been very 'up and down' as Jack said last week, which is realistic for someone dealing with the death of a loved one, but maybe that is not helping him with acting the scenes and us watching them. <_<

I thought he was fantastic in the two episodes where Beth died but then his performance dropped a touch in the memorial episode. He was still good but was overshadowed a bit by Indiana, though I did love him snapping at Jack and his chat with Irene before the service. To be honest, I was not a huge fan of the speech he was given so this probably didn't help matters. I think like you have mentioned Bodwod, I would like to see more crankyness from him and replace some of the mopey scenes with him biting someones head off. He has been very tolerant of Colleen in some scenes when maybe he could have snapped at her.

Going back to Fridays episode - I mentioned in the Aus Ep Discussion thread that although I liked the Tony scenes they could have been dealt with in more depth. I would have liked to have seen Tony, Mattie and Kit actually going through Beth's things and maybe discussing their memories, possibly with Tony breaking down and the girls comforting him. Also in the scene where Tony was alone with the suitcase it would have been better in my opinion to have him open the suitcase, go through some of her clothes, have him smell her perfume or something then slam the suitcase shut and completely break down before Naomi turned up. The scene where he was chatting to Naomi could have been longer and I would have liked to see them talk about his feelings in more depth. Ordinarily I would have liked to have seen Tony play this scene with another character such as Irene or Alf but as Alexx said in the Aus Discussion thread it was contrived for the benefit of the upcoming Naomi/Lucas storyline.

I have just re-read what I have just wrote and I am being seriously super critical of things which overall I have enjoyed. I guess there is no pleasing me!! Seriously, I am just so pleased that Jon is finally getting some good material to work with and I still very much adore the HotDad! :wub:

Thanks so much for the link to the Beth/Rhys clips, Karena. I'll check them out at work tomorrow. The video card on my computer recently died and since the new one's gone in there's a whole bunch videos I can't play any more. I must be missing a Codec or something.

I am not an expert in these matters, far from it, but try and installing the Xvid and DivX codecs and see if that works.

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WOW, Karena that was a long post! But very enjoyable to read :wink:. I agree with what you are both saying that Jon is usually a very natural actor, but lately a few scenes have seemed a little bit....forced. This to me doesn't seem like its Jon not being his usual great self, I think its the writers and also the fact that the Beth storyline has been very bitty. This has consequently resulted in Jon not having the chance to convey real feeling and emotion. Now I am being super critical Karena!! :lol:

I'm hoping next week and also the week after is going to be different. Epecially the first episode in week 19 when Tony turns to Naomi for comfort. He needs to open up about how he is really feeling instead of being mopey all the time!

Apart from that :rolleyes:, Jon is still the Summer Bay SuperDad!!! :wub: Anyway thats my rant over :lol:.

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Great discussion and input guys. I really didn't mean to be negative Nelly. I'm in the same place you are. I'm loving seeing him (FINALLY), I was just noticing him act a bit more than usual. I do blame the writing. Not only the sketchiness of his storyline but the dialogue itself is pretty weak.

I'm going to go OT here for a little bit but I will make a point, I promise :). I remember reading an article with Billy Campbell where he says "I'm not good enough to survive a bad script" and he's actually quite right. He was absolutely brilliant in "Once & Again" but I've seen him in a lot since and he's varied from great - average - crap. There are your Russell Crowe's/Edward Norton's etc who are just freaks in that they were just born for acting and make you forget your watching actors and then there are those who love what they do, take lessons and workshops and improve over time. Jon's only been acting for a couple of years and when he gets some decent dialogue (ie the "I'll always be there for you to talk to" speech) he absolutely nails it.

I actually think Russell Crowe would have a hard time making a lot of the material he's working with at the moment look good. They've just sped him through the grieving process, giving him barely any seens with the other actors involved to bounce off and are now contriving a quick fix romance with a stranger. Like I said, I'll take it. Whatever gets him onto the screen but some of the ideas you mentioned in your post Karena, would have been great to see play out first.

Anyway, back to the shallow end of the pool, can't wait to see him give his surf lessons this week. I swear, I'm so fickle!! :) :)

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