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Jon Sivewright

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I have a feeling the next few weeks will be full of shallowness so we may as well embrace it with open arms!! :D The surf lessons should be very interesting and he looks so hot in his surf shorts! (I think i'm swimming in the baby pool with that comment!)

I was thinking that HotDad shirtless scenes are like buses, there were only 2 in over a year, and now we are almost getting one every week. Don't get me wrong I am definately not complaining!! :D

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can't wait to see him give his surf lessons this week.

Me too!!! :wub: I wonder if the SuperDad will appear in todays Aussie episode?? (technically speaking its tomorrows episode :lol: .....thats the time difference again :rolleyes:).

It's very true what you said there bodwod, whatever gets him onto the screen is a good thing!! It's just a shame this storyline hasn't been developed and explored particulary well....but like you guys said its not Jon, its the writers, who perhaps give him weak scripts to work on. I don't blame the writers for everything, they are incredibly talented people...but sometimes they do get it wrong, and IMO this storyline hasn't really lived up to my expectations (which were probably too high :lol:). I'm just hoping the Tony/Naomi/Lucas stuff will be better, one thing I am going to say though is please please please will the writers not ruin the father and son relationship between Tony and Lucas, that would be awful :(.

Like I said a few posts back, Jon is a very natural actor, its just with the way this storyline has been written and thus portrayed, some of the scenes he has been in recently have seemed quite forced.

I've got a feeling that next week is going to be good though, especailly with Tony being in at least two episodes (I hope). The more Jon gets the chance to show his true acting ability the more convincing the scenes and storylines he is involved in will become. But since Tony first arrived in Summer Bay, as we all know, until now he hasn't had his own storyline to work on. Alot of the storylines he has been invloved with have been to do with his or Beth's children. We haven't had the chance to see Jon act on his own (I hope you guys know what I mean LOL), without being overshadowed by other actors/characters.

Okay, I'm going to stop being critical now!! I'll carry on with the SuperDad disscussion tomorrow LOL, today now!!!

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Well the good news is you guys were right about the TV Week. There's a nice double-pager with shots of HotDad and Naomi in bed together. As a special bonus, it's the Logie edition so there's a nice shot of Jon and Bobby Morley enjoying a beer.

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LOL :lol: I love that pic of Jon and Bob!!

The whole thing between Tony and Naomi is definately a comfort thing. He just needs someone to talk too, and she is the one he feels most comfortable talking too I guess. Although I am very intrigued to see how their 'friendship' or 'connection' as Jon calls it develops so quickly. I thought Naomi made a good comment when she said about it being easier to talk to someone a little more detached from the situation. Although after next week I think she might wish she hadn't said that because I think there is going to be a massive argument between Tony, Lucas and Naomi next week!!

It's really cool that TV Week got Jon and Rhys to talk about the upcoming storyline, because it gives you an insight into how they are feeling or felt I should say :rolleyes:, about the storyline.

I'm even more excited now then I was before!!! :D

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Excellent.... that is possibly the best scan from TV week that I have ever seen! :D He look so cute when he's sleeping! And there is yet another shirtless scene... they are just spoiling us at the moment!! Also, his face when he realises Lucas is at the door is priceless!!

I am looking forward to this storyline but I have to say that it looks like Naomi is taking advantage of our poor grieving HotDad! :( Also, even though any shot if HotDad is all good, I thought the pictures made the whole thing a bit 'seedy' looking. I think it was the red sheets and the dark dingy caravan that was to blame for that though!!

I can't wait to see Lucas and Tony's reactions when they find out about each other but I am actually more interested is seeing how he deals with the guilt of sleeping with someone so soon after Beth. I wish it was this time next week!!

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I wish it was this time next week!!

Me too!! I want to see all the Tonyness this week packed into one episode and then skip to next week!! :lol: I'm also very interested to see how this effects Tony's relationship with Jack, Lucas and the girls :unsure:.

There should be at least one mention of Tony in the Week 20 spoilers, I really hope so!! I'm still getting over Tony being in 3 official site pics :o.

This hasn't really got anything to do with the SuperDad but do you think this picture of Luc and Naomi here (credit to Rachael-Belle-Rock at HAAC) is from a scene to be shown this week?? I'm confused because at the top it says 'this weeks must-see moments', but that was referring to last week, and I didn't see that scene in the episode last friday :unsure:. Thanks for any help guys!! :D

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This hasn't really got anything to do with the SuperDad but do you think this picture of Luc and Naomi here (credit to Rachael-Belle-Rock at HAAC) is from a scene to be shown this week?? I'm confused because at the top it says 'this weeks must-see moments', but that was referring to last week, and I didn't see that scene in the episode last friday :unsure: . Thanks for any help guys!! :D

After carrying out intensive investigations :wink: I have concluded that........ It looks like it could be from this week as in the picture she is wearing the same red dress that she is wearing in one of the pics on the official site. (The one where she is talking to Tony, Hugh and Ric in the Diner). Hope that helps Coco! :D

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I think it's this week's too because it happens after the surf lesson (which is pictured on the main site). Also, TV Week does a run-down of the eps for that week and there's no mention.

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Yeah I've come to the conclusion that it's this week too!! I'm looking foward to Tony talking to Naomi in the pub (no idea which one :rolleyes:), and his chat with her in the caravan! :D I reckon Tony will appear at the end of the week....but I'm guessing at that one, I hope I'm wrong. If that is the case at least we will have plenty to look foward too :D.

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