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Jon Sivewright

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He is definately in Mondays and Tuesdays episode next week so I am thinking he will appear in episodes in the middle of this week maybe. Or he might be in tomorrows and wednesdays then fridays. Who knows!? It says on the official site that the boys invite Naomi on a night out but then she isn't in the picture where they are in the bar. That probably doesn't mean anything though. I have a feeling the surfing episode isn't until Friday. I'll quit rambling now! :D

I have made some new Tony icons incase anyone is interested (including spoilers) - click me :)

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Like you said there Karena, Tony is definately in Mondays and Tuesdays episodes and it's pretty likely he will be in Fridays ep that week too!! This is sooo exciting, we have waited a long long time for Tony to have a storyline that remotely resembles.... a storyline :lol:.

I just posted a comment on those avatars in your thread but I'm going to say how much I love them in here too! They are amazingly colourful, I especially love the av's with Tony and Naomi in them :wub: (of cause :rolleyes:), well done, you are very talented!! :D

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Brilliant AVs, Karena. Didn't take you long to jump on those bed shots, huh?

No HotDad tonight :( Crosses fingers for tomorrrow. I got all excited when Amanda mentioned that she had to talk to Tony about the gym. I yelled to the TV - go now, run Forrest, run!!!

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^ :lol:

Oh. My. Gawd! :o Have you seen the Week 20 spoilers?! There is so much Tony stuff I am lost for words! And it doesn't look like the storyline with Naomi will be swept under the carpet quickly either, it sounds like it will turn into a disaster of epic proportions!!

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:o I've just seen the spoilers, I am lost for words too Karena!! Tony's name is mentioned three times!!! :o He must be in three episodes that week then, that is a record!! It's funny how the spoilers for the next couple of weeks mention loads of Tony yet when it came to

Beth's death

he was mentioned what....once! :lol: I'm going to contain my excitement for now because otherwise I'll explode with happiness!

The SuperDad is definately in tomorrows ep, because he is in the preview on the official site :D. *tries to calm down and contain excitement* :lol:.

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Thanks for letting me know Coco :) I have just watched it! HotDad in his lovely pyjamas... excellent!

Even though I am so very excited about all this Tony screentime, I have been contemplating the Naomi situation and there is one thing that is slightly curbing my enthusiasm about it. I really really really hope that the conflict in the family doesn't destroy them forever. I can handle a temporary 'blip' but if Tony's relationship with Lucas, Jack, Kit and Jack is destroyed forever I won't be happy. In my opinion his interaction with the kids has been the highlight of his time on the show and it would be a shame if that disappeared.

I am a wet blanket I know!! :)

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No worries Karena, always happy to keep SuperDad fans updated!! I'm also very worried that the whole Hunter/Holden family could be ruined by this. If that happens, which at the moment looks like it will, I will be extremly upset :(. Like you said there Karena, since Tony came to Summer Bay, the relationship and the interaction he has with his and Beth's kids has been a highlight of Tony's and his wonderful personality. This upcoming storyline does have the potential to spoil that though, which would be awful :(.

I'm very curious to see what Lucas and Matties heartbreaking decision is :unsure:. There has been quite a few people on here and HAAC saying that they reckon they will move out....what do you guys think their decision will be??

In the next week or so, Jack looks for somewhere to stay, so if Lucas and Mattie do move out, Tony won't have anybody :(.

All this Aussie episode discusion has completly made me forget about the UK episodes, as usual!! Plenty of SuperDad in todays Five episode. I loved his little talk to Martha about him always being there to talk to...that was lovely :wub:.

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Oh My GOD!!! So very excited about all the upcoming Tonage. Totally agree with you both re the relationship with his boys. I love what they share and whatever happens here, I want it to bounce back as soon as possible.

I'm off to watch the preview on the official site.

Jeez, you spend too much time off on other boards (TWoP) and look what happens while you're gone!! I'll have to try not to be MIA for quite so long next time.

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I love his talk with Jack in the preview, it's not often you see a father and son who can talk like that. It's that kind of thing that I don't want to see disappear because of the Naomi storyline. I am hoping Mattie and Lucas don't move out over it though, I hope their heartbreaking decision is about something else but I can't think what else it would be. If they all desert Tony he wil probably lose the plot completely :(

I am thinking that the person who said Naomi only has a 5 week contract could be right. It looks like she will cause maximum chaos then disappear.

P.S. Call me stupid but what is TWoP and what does MIA mean?? :)

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Sorry, TWoP is televisionwithoutpity which is one of my favourite sites. They do great snarky recaps of shows and the forums are some of the best TV forums around. MIA is 'missing in action'.

Nice little bit of HotDad tonight but only what we saw in the preview unfortunately. No sign of him (and no sign of any room for him) in the preview for tomorrow.

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