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Jon Sivewright

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Thats a bit disappointing, they must be squeezing the boys night out and the teaching Naomi to surf into one episode on Friday. Nevermind at least we know he will be in loads of episodes over the next few weeks. :) I haven't watched todays episode yet as it is downloading as we speak/write but I will be back when I have seen it and I have more to say.

Sorry, TWoP is televisionwithoutpity which is one of my favourite sites. They do great snarky recaps of shows and the forums are some of the best TV forums around. MIA is 'missing in action'.

Oh yes, I used to go on Television Without Pity a few years ago to get my ER fix, in the days before downloading episodes! I realised in a flash of inspiration today what MIA meant and I felt really thick asking what it was when I figured it out!

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I think your right there Karena, about fridays episode, lots to look foward to :D. Poor Superdad, he was only in that one scene :(. I hate to say it but, a short SuperDad drought makes you appreciate and look foward to the episodes you most look foward too A.K.A Friday, next week and the week after!!! :D

Great Five Life episode today, wonderful Tony and Martha interaction! :D

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^ Yeah I watched the Five Life episode and thought that too! Then I watched the Aus episode and thought it was nice that Martha mentioned that she regreted saying the awful things to Tony. Though it would have been better for us to see a scene where she apologised to him, I think that it would have been very emotional. I guess there is still time for them to pull that scene out of the bag when we least expect it.

Just one other thing about the Five Life episode, did you notice how lovely Tony's arms were looking today?! I think I must have mentioned it when I saw the episode months ago but thought I would draw peoples attention to it again! I will post some pics in a minute to refresh your memory!! :D

EDIT: Pics here :wub:

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No Tony in todays Aussie ep :(. But I'm really looking foward to tomorrow now! I think it would have been better if Tony had comforted Kit instead of Mattie, but unfortunatley he didn't. I was suprised at todays promo I thought Tony would have been in it, but at least we know he will definately be in tomorrows (Friday) episode. Plenty of screencapping to do I hope! :D

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Even though my head knew he wasn't in todays episode, my heart held out a little hope that he may make a surprise appearance! Nevermind, like you said Coco, he will definately be in tomorrows and he has a LOT to do!! :D

I just thought today that it is Jon's 42nd Birthday next Tuesday! How about we all have a party in here in his honour on Tuesday! I'll bring the party pies and beer!! :P

It has just occured to me that on his birthday he will be waking up next to Naomi!! :lol:

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LOL :lol:. Although maybe that will happen on Monday instead of Tuesday :unsure:. I guess that could happen if he went to Naomi's caravan in tomorrows episode. But maybe in tommorrows ep they will just meet in the pub and then he gives her a surfing lesson then on Monday they get close :unsure:. I keep saying to myself, have patience :lol:....eventually next week will come!!

I'm loving the UK episodes at the moment, although I think that will change from tomorrow with all the exciting stuff happening in Oz! 2 doses of the SuperDad tonight as he was in the Five and Five Life episodes! Way to go SuperDad :lol:.

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I haven't seen todays Aussie ep yet :o, but I'm sure it will be awesome!!

Once again there are three pics of Tony on the official site!! Tony has his own little box on the official site, and Jon talks about how he felt about the storyline!! The sneak preview is a must see. Its so cute Tony is in the caravan talking to Naomi, and having a few drinks :rolleyes:, and then she comes over and he hugs her....awwww :wub:. When I've seen todays ep I'll post the caps in my gallery and I'll post a link in the Tony screencap section :D.

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You are right Coco! Todays episode was awesome!!! :D I have seen the sneak peak too and I am overwhelmed by the amount of HotDad action!! :D I loved the surfing scene, particularly whe he dived into the water, although I would have liked to see him actually surf!!

If I have any complaints it would be how quickly they have thrown Tony and Naomi together. It seems very rushed and they are pushing them together at every available opportunity. I know I shouldn't complain so I will stop it now!

Bring on Monday that's what I say! Having looked at the pics on the official site it looks like it will be very sad when they find out about this money that Beth has left and when they decide to buy Tony the gym. In the picture he looks like he is about to burst into tears... Awww..poor HotDad. :wub: Problem is the whole Hunter/Holden house is going to turn ugly when they find out about him and Naomi. :(

P.S. Where are you Bodwod?? You seem to have gone AWOL and there is lots of HotDad to discuss!!

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