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Jon Sivewright

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The Tony/Ash smackdown in the bar

I couldn't find any pics of Tony and Ash!! I think I've got enough pictures anyway though!

Thank you again for your great suggestions and also for letting me use some of your screencaps Karena, they were very helpful! :D

This is the selection I ended up with (a few more than 10 actually :lol:).

The pictures are in no particular order:

Number 1

Tony proposes to Beth


Number 2

Tony finding out about Beth


Number 3

Tony telling Kit and Mattie about Beth


Number 4

Confronting the truck driver


Number 5

The speach Tony gave at the memorial service


Number 6

Tony and Beth's last kiss :(


Number 7

Tony comforting Mattie while the trail/jail buisness was going on


Number 8

Tony's chat with Mattie after he caught her at Ric's


Number 9

Tony and Martha falling out with each other


Number 10

That calender shoot :P.


Number 11

Tony crying in the kitchen just after he finds out about Beth


Number 12

Tony giving Naomi a surf lesson


Phew! That took ageeeess, but I'm sure it will be worth it! As I said a few posts back, it would be good if you could explain why you liked the 'moment' you chose.

Get voting!!! Voting will close Sunday (giving you plenty of time to make up your mind :P), 8:00 PM - UK Time. That sound okay....

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Please vote guys!!! :D

I've just watched yesterdays episode, I'm sooo pleased I've seen it now! Adored the surfing scenes :wub:. The chat that Tony and Naomi had in the bar was kinda sweet too :wub:. Don't worry I'm not forgetting about Beth. I do think it is too soon for Tony to be moving on, but obviously he won't mean for things to go as far, as they will do next week :rolleyes:.

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Glad you finally got to see it Coco :) I was watching the sneak peak again today and I think that Naomi is using the HotDad to help her get over Lucas! You could see it in her eyes, she was definately out to seduce him!!! Get your mitts off him Naomi! He's ours!! :lol:

Anyway, I was just in Asda day dreaming by the pizza counter (as you do!) and it occured to me that I haven't complained about the hair for a while now!! I think it must be growing on me (so to speak!) and I am resigned to the fact that it is here to stay! It is not too bad now it has got over the in between stage but it is looking very curly in the first picture on the official site. Not that there is anything wrong with curly hair (I have curly hair!) I just wouldn't want it to look like a 70's perm!! :lol:

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You could see it in her eyes, she was definately out to seduce him!!! Get your mitts off him Naomi! He's ours!! :lol:

Anyway, I was just in Asda day dreaming by the pizza counter (as you do!) and it occured to me that I haven't complained about the hair for a while now!! I think it must be growing on me (so to speak!)

:lol: That ^ made me laugh so much Karena!!!

I was also thinking the same thing about Naomi using Tony to either get at Lucas directly or to help her self get over Lucas. Poor SuperDad, his been through enough heartache without a complete stranger coming along and wrecking havoc in the Hunter/Holden household!!

It will be very interesting to see how Kit and Mattie and obviously Lucas deal with this - presuming that they do find out the whole truth!

You know what, I also haven't been too bothered by Tony's hair lately! Like you Karena, its grown on me :lol:, I think I have come to accept that the semi-mullet that is Tony's hair, is part of his personality!!!

Speaking of pizza :lol:, I feel like a pizza right now!! Prefarably Ham and Pineapple but I'd settle for pepperoni :wub:.

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Wow, you guys have been busy. I've been interstate on work and my little wireless internety thingy (I think that's the technical term) was playing up. Kept kicking me off. It's pathetic actually, I was working on the Gold Coast on Thurs/Fri and had a meeting in Brisbane (an hours drive from my hotel) at 5pm. I actually wrapped the meeting up early so I could get back to my hotel in time to catch HotDad, even though hubby was recording it for me at home. Rather sad.

Where do I start? Great HotDadige on Friday and some more great stuff to come going by the pics on the official site. I'm way too excited.

Also, awesome idea for the game, Coco. Now I'm back there'll be three of us voting so hopefully we'll be able to declare a winner :). I'm off to PM you now (if I can work out how - that's a new one for me).

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Welcome back Bodwod!! :) I am way too excited about tomorrows episode too and I will be driving home from work again at the speed of light to see it as soon as possible!! Have you checked out the sneak peak on the official site??

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Voting over!! The result is very interesting.... and the winning moment is *drum roll*......NO 8 - Tony's chat with Mattie!!! :D Thanks for voting guys and explaining why you voted for that particular moment, you are stars!! :wink:

I would have to go with that too. Simply because it's Tony doing what he does best - being Summer Bay's greatest dad!! So that pretty much singles it out as Tony's best moment/scene in 2007! :D

I was thinking as I enjoyed doing this game this time round, how about every week we take it in turn to host a game? E.g Tony's worst hair day this week or your favourite line from this week :D. The host could post the caps then the vote could be cast by PM!! What do you think?

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