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Jon Sivewright

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Well, you were right, Karena. No kiss. Just more of what HotDad does best - a nice big sturdy hug!

I love the preview for tomorrow. HotDad finds out about Lucas and then confronts 'the evil one' and demands to know how she could let it happen knowing that she'd been with his son. Nice.

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Thanks for the spoilers bodwod!! I'm a bit dissapointed that there was no kiss in todays episode but maybe they will tomorrow :unsure:. Like you said though, they had a nice big hug :wub:. All in all a great episode!! How cute was it when Mattie was talking about the money and she said to Tony 'We love you, we want you to have it' :wub:. That < was the sweetest line :D. The sneak peak on the official site is even better than last weeks!! The promo for tomorrows episode looks awesome too. I'm very happy right now....lots of Tony scenes tends to do that to me!!

I'll post screencaps from todays episode in my gallery. I will post a link in the other thread :D.

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Well, you were right, Karena. No kiss. Just more of what HotDad does best - a nice big sturdy hug!

I knew it! I knew it!!! :angry: I hoped I was wrong but I had a feeling we wouldn't see a kiss. I am very disappointed now.... Head on over to the UK HotDad, I'll give you a kiss seeing as no one else wants to!! :P

I haven't seen today's episode but I will be back with full analysis when I have :)

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I haven't seen today's episode but I will be back with full analysis when I have :)

I'm sure you won't be dissapointed with the amount of Tonyage :D.

Just had a thought actually, its only a few episodes until Tony's chat with Mattie (for the UK) A.K.A his best moment in 2007!! :wink::D

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It has taken me a while to compose my thoughts due to being overwhelmed with the amount of Tonyage in todays episode and sneak peak!!! :D

WOW.... Where do I start!? Loved the beach scenes and how it became blatently obvious during the episode that Tony wasn't coping at all. I agree Coco is was very sweet how Mattie said that they loved him. Then we saw the (long overdue) return of cranky pants when he said he didn't want the money. The first scene in the caravan was OK but I thought the second one was a bit 'strange'. I can't really explain what I mean <_< It was just a bit uncomfortable how 'the evil one' kind of left him to do some work on her laptop and he was really upset and wrestless on the bed. Then he kind of touched her leg and then her hair as though they were about to kiss but they didn't and just had a big hug instead! Like I said I can't really explain properly what I mean.

Anyway the sneak peak looks awesome!! I love it how he goes off at her for everything! Especially the line 'this isn't my world', no it isn't but it's great viewing for us!!! Bring on tomorrow! :D

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Anyway the sneak peak looks awesome!! I love it how he goes off at her for everything! Especially the line 'this isn't my world', no it isn't but it's great viewing for us!!! Bring on tomorrow!

Absoloutley!! I can see what your saying about the caravan scenes being a bit....uncomfortable, I don't whether that's the right word :unsure:. Maybe it was meant to look uncomfortable to show how vunerable Tony is right now and to show how he not dealing with Beth as much as he says he is.

Tomorrow should be great, what with Tony having a go at Naomi :P but also the bit in the promo where Tony is running out of the caravan!! That < made me laugh actually when I watched it, the way he was running out, I don't know why it made me laugh it just did!! :lol:

Oh I almost forgot something :rolleyes:. I'm pretty sure Tony did kiss Naomi on the cheek very very quickly. I may be wrong but I have rewatched that scene quite a few times and I think he might of....

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^ I have had another few watches and I am not sure I can detect a peck on the cheek to be honest. It is shame they didn't pash though! :P

I think you might be right though about how the scene in the caravan was about Tony's vulnerablity and that's why it was so uncomfortable. To be honest I don't blame Naomi for comforting Tony, anyone would do the same thing seeing him so upset. Maybe Naomi does genuinely feel a connection with Tony as any other person, having moved to a new place, wouldn't get so involved in a stranger's problems. I was looking forward to Tony dealing with the guilt of 'betraying' Beth by sleeping with Naomi but I have a feeling this will be overshadowed by the Lucas situation. I'm rambling now so I will go back to discussing more shallow matters!!!! :D

HotDad looked so hot in all the beach scenes! :wub: We are being spoiled with all this shirtless action lately!

EDIT: nice new avatar Coco! I was gonna use that shot for an avatar too.. great minds think alike! :D

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Mmmm, if only I could have morphed into that bar of soap!!

Great Tonage tonight. I think that was his best episode in a long time. We got the nice Lucas chat, the great stuff with the girls, a touch of cranky pants and a shower scene to boot. Throw in a good pash and I could die happy.

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