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Jon Sivewright

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I had a sneaky look at this thread at lunch time at work, saw the words shower scene :wub: and couldn't concentrate all afternoon!!! :D I have read what everyone has said and I am screaming at the computer to download quicker damn it!!!!

I'm glad to see lots of people joining the HotDad appreciation, it's about time he got a chance to show what he can do!! :D

I'll be back! :D

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Todays episode.....AWESOME!! It was great, even better than yesterday! I can't get over the amount of Tonyness we have had recently, its has been really great for Jon too - he is finally getting the chance to show the world what a great actor he is :D. So much to discuss about todays episode but this post would probably run to about 10 pages!! :lol:

At least Naomi has given him a storyline! Without her I couldn't imagine Tony having a storyline in a long long time :D.

I'll probably screencap todays episode tomorrow because I am really tired (very very busy day :rolleyes:), right now.

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I have beat you to it Coco :) There are 72 caps of the finest quality over in the usual thread! There were so many scenes today I found I had to be ruthless to keep it down to 72! :D

As for todays episode..... WOW.......WOW.........WOW!!!!!! Words cannot express how good it was!! HotDad in bed naked, HotDad in the shower, HotDad being a dad, HotDad shouting and being cranky, HotDad guilt and HotDad drunk!!! What's not to like?! :lol: I agree with Bodwod, the only thing missing was a good pash!! We kind of got that though when they woke up joined at the lips! :P


I hope we don't have to wait until next week for the next installment of the saga as it's only going to get better I hope!! I can't wait for the poo to hit the fan!!!!

Anyway in all this excitement we have forgotton one thing!!!.. HotDad's birthday! It is still the 22nd in the UK so its still OK to say:

Happy 42nd Birthday Jon !!!!!!!

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I have beat you to it Coco :) There are 72 caps of the finest quality over in the usual thread! There were so many scenes today I found I had to be ruthless to keep it down to 72! :D

Thanks for the awesome caps Karena!!

I hope Jon has had a great day!! :D

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Very true. He'd better be careful, he'll shrivel up :)

We wouldn't want that now would we?! :wink::P

Great new AV, Karena. Couldn't resist, huh?

Of course not, I couldn't help myself!! When was the last time there was a shower scene on H&A?!

We are going to be lost tomorrow with no HotDad! :(

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Jon is so nice! I met him yesterday and I couldn't stop smiling. The photo just has me with this massive goofy grin but I shall cut myself out for my own benefit. :P

I couldn't help but laugh though when he said "Hi I'm Jon." Of course I knew who he was. :lol: Anyway I should probably put this in the spoiler section but I can't be bothered to make a new thread so I'll just put it in spoiler tags the filming I saw.


Tony ran after Jazz (Drew's mum- played by Rachel Gordon) and asked her how her meeting was, etc, more small talk. The he asked if she was free later for dinner and she turned him down and he asked maybe she was free for drinks, but she said no again. Crazy women :P But as we were leaving they were filming a scene of both of them on the grass near the wharf filming area with a picnic and it had flowers and a rug. It was really sweet :wub:


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Thank you so much for that news!!! I wouldn't stop smiling if I met him too! :D

Looks like the HotDad is gonna get some action after all then eh?!

Nice pic too! And are my eyes deceiving me or has he had a haircut!!? It looks very much like he has!... there is a god after all!!! :lol:

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